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Would like to chat with moms with epilepsy

Fri, 02/23/2007 - 16:55
Hello all, I have had epilepsy for 18 yrs. For the most part, medication has controlled my gran mal seizures and I've been able to attend college and work successfully. I'm a new mom. My 3-1/2 month old daughter means the world to me! I just went back to work after my maternity leave and started having seizures again. I know that I cannot manage a full-time job while being a mom. My employer has allowed me to work part-time, but I'm finding myself working harder/ faster to try to accomplish the same amount of work within the part-time schedule. I have a wonderful,loving husband, but I don't feel he understands how critical it is that I need to take it easy. I'm struggling with getting into see a new neurologist. My former doc recently retired. I would just love to hear from other moms out there who may have or are experiencing some of the same struggles. Thanks!


Re: Would like to chat with moms with epilepsy

Submitted by dayna on Mon, 2007-02-26 - 15:36
Hi Mel, It is hard enough to juggle a career, a hubby, and a new baby..then we want to throw a health condition like Epilepsy into the Mix? Hey, More Power to you that you are able to work! And yeah I know Part time? Ha what a joke, every time I went back to work part time, I had to work twice as hard to get my work done. It seemed like I was doing 8 hours of work in 4 hours...exhausting! I am not working now, My employer has graciously allowed me to be off on Long Term Disability for the past 2 1/2 almost 3 years. Best of Luck to you. I hope the new Neuro you see is actually an Epileptologist.

Re: Re: Would like to chat with moms with epilepsy

Submitted by melgross on Mon, 2007-02-26 - 18:11
Dayna, It's SO refreshing to hear from others that experience the same struggles and truly understand. Yes, I was finding myself working like crazy to get everything done in 4 hrs each day. A part-time position at my job is a joke. You have a very understanding employer to allow you to take time off on Long Term Disability. I wonder if my employer would consider that? Doesn't hurt to check into it, I guess. I have had three seizures the past four days, and I feel like I'm constantly fighting them from happening. Does that make sense to you? Did you every feel like you were fighting the seizure? (I have gran mals). So, I'm obviously not working. I just have to accept that maybe my body cannot handle another job. My most important job is to be healthy, so I can take good care of my daughter... I love her SOOO much. I am not holding her much now, because I don't want to risk injuring her if I have a seizure. It's hard... I know you understand. Thanks for listening and getting back to me with your story. :)

Re: Re: Re: Would like to chat with moms with epilepsy

Submitted by dayna on Mon, 2007-02-26 - 19:31
Hi Mel, i definitely remember the days of fighting of seizures. Heck there are some days still that I feel like I am battling them. Thankfully mine are partial seizures, so most of the time I don't get hurt or any thing...I just do silly stuff as evidenced by my most recent blog...oops. I agree your most important job is taking care of you, and the rest will all fall into place. :-)

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