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Does anyone have sleep problems???

Tue, 08/08/2006 - 09:34
My son wa sup from 12am to 4am last night.It seemed every time he would get himself to sleep He would wake right up...allmost crawling out of his skin.And crying hysterically.He is only 14 months he can't tell me what's wrong.I tried EVERYTHING.I don't think it is normal stuff like teething or gas...could it be.I did notice when he finally went down as I was carrying him to his crib,he did a few jerks...not a full seizure .possibly myoclonic?He does them during the day.But could that be keeping him up at night?What to do?


Re: Does anyone have sleep problems???

Submitted by Tommysmom on Wed, 2006-08-16 - 03:38
Hello - My son is also 14 months old and we have seen the same thing starting to happen. He just started using Lamictal. It has only been two weeks and the dosage is very low...14 mg a day. We thought it may be the new drug. We know that our son is being waken by clusters of seizures. We have seen him. It is possible that this is happening to your son. What meds is your son on? Does his EEG show hypsarythium? If you would like to talk more you can email me at [email protected]. Thanks - Patti

Re: Does anyone have sleep problems???

Submitted by GodivaGirl on Mon, 2006-08-21 - 19:20
It took from age 5 until age 16 to make the connection, but eventually doctors figured out with me that I was a restless sleeper, and most of my seizures happened at night. As I've gotten older (I'm now 32) they've discovered that the case is seizures happen during my "down time" when my system gets a chance to relax from the high stress activities in my life. Whether it's - wow! bills are finally paid, or my b/f and I had a fight (we're common-law and live together) and so it's us having a fight me wanting to kill him for a few days, then sometimes when all is happy and we finally don't wanna kill each other there will be a minor seizure. It's the stress cycles...and the "downtime". For me, they put me on clobazam. Not something I'd recommend for a 14mth old (pretty powerful) At 14mths, keep a journal of what was differnt those days/nights and let doctors find the patterns, then they'll find the meds. Another possibility - you have a kid with an active imagination who doesn't need much sleep. My b/f battles slight depression. Not seizures, but depression cycles. At the same time, he can go through phases where he'll live off 2-3 hours sleep a night. Usually when he's getting next to no sleep he's working on his next story, article or interview. He's a great writer, part-time on his own stuff, part time for this dark culture mag. insidious reflections. I used to worry, now I just realize some people need way more sleep than others. I need 10 hours, he needs 2. Give it time, and things will work out with your little one :) EC

Re: Does anyone have sleep problems???

Submitted by DCB752 on Thu, 2006-09-28 - 08:51
hi, my son is having similar problems with sleep and being over stimulated. Did you ever figure out what was going on with your son. Our neurologist seems to ignore us when we describe this "wired" behavior and severe sleep problems. My husdband and I are desperate for some guidance. Any suggestions. thank you, S

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