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Wed, 11/06/2013 - 15:58
I am new on this site so i dont really know what to do..I have seizures at night when im sleeping. My leg always gives out when im asleep and it wakes me up then i go into a seizure. does anyone els have this problem.


Re: seizures

Submitted by mereloaded on Thu, 2013-11-07 - 07:27
Night time seizures are common, in fact, abnormal brain activity can me spotted while sleeping and waking up, that is why during an EEG they want you to go to sleep and then wake up. some types of epilepsy only occur during sleep and or upon awakening. Do you have a neurologist? Best wishes

Re: seizures

Submitted by ebryant on Tue, 2013-11-12 - 17:02

I have a  brother who was diagnosed with "restless leg" syndrome, which is a type of seizure disorder, you may want to ask your doctor to check into that.  I believe my brother under went sleep studies to be diagnosed and then was placed on medication.


I have a  brother who was diagnosed with "restless leg" syndrome, which is a type of seizure disorder, you may want to ask your doctor to check into that.  I believe my brother under went sleep studies to be diagnosed and then was placed on medication.


Re: seizures

Submitted by just_joe on Fri, 2013-11-08 - 09:27

You might want to look at nocturlan epilepsy. Many people have seizures in their sleep generally at night or in their sleep. I had 15-20 EEG's which showed no abnormalities. I had to go thru testing and the last test was another EEG. Because of the testing I was really tired. During the EEG I fell asleep and during tha EEG there was abnormalities (seizure activities. They used the EEG to find the area in my brain to locate on the neuro angeogram (1963 way to get xrays of the brain today they use MRI's). They looked closer and found scared brain tissue on the left side of my brain. Back then they had names for epilepsy and my mother was told I have Grande Mal, Pettite Mal and Focal Motor Epilepsy.

Hope this helps

You might want to look at nocturlan epilepsy. Many people have seizures in their sleep generally at night or in their sleep. I had 15-20 EEG's which showed no abnormalities. I had to go thru testing and the last test was another EEG. Because of the testing I was really tired. During the EEG I fell asleep and during tha EEG there was abnormalities (seizure activities. They used the EEG to find the area in my brain to locate on the neuro angeogram (1963 way to get xrays of the brain today they use MRI's). They looked closer and found scared brain tissue on the left side of my brain. Back then they had names for epilepsy and my mother was told I have Grande Mal, Pettite Mal and Focal Motor Epilepsy.

Hope this helps

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