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Can anyone help a grieving Mother?

Sat, 05/06/2017 - 01:38
42 yr old daughter-living @ home f/2 yrs. 1st seizure @ work. Passed out-bumped head-few seconds. Month later(on the 8th) 2nd seizure-few seconds-passed out but caught by friends before hitting floor. Saw primary care Dr. on 11th. Did MRI &CAT SCAN. EEG scheduled f/21st. 3rd seizure on 15th. She called out to me. Got to her. Face down/moving head side to side while pressing face into carpet. Limbs moving as if scaling a climbing wall. Lasted 30ish sec. I thought it was over. Suddenly she inhaled quickley and deeply, arched her back as she lifted arms/legs. After 10 seconds she exhaled & relaxed. This "second phase" happened 3 times..When I reentered the room w/phone, 911 told me to get her on her back. When I got her over her fingers and lips were blue and she had chewed off half of her top lip.I knew she was gone.What I would like to know are any comments about her seizures especially what I call second phase". Nobody will talk to me. Dr.,EMT, coroner nor autopsy MD. If my story has offended anyone or if nobody cares to comment, I'll have post removed...TY


We are deeply sorry to hear

Submitted by ccooney on Mon, 2017-05-08 - 10:25
We are deeply sorry to hear your news about your daughter’s death, and offer you our sincerest condolences. We understand how important it is to know what might have happened and would like to suggest that you contact the North American SUDEP Registry (NASR) for this information. They have a team of neurologists who work with families who have lost a loved one to sudden unexpected death due to epilepsy or SUDEP and will be able to answer some of your questions and even assist you in communicating with the coroner and other doctors. They can be reached by calling 1-855-432-8555 or via email at: [email protected]. In addition, for added support during this difficult time, you may want to consider contacting our 24/7 Helpline 1-800-332-1000 and select option 1.  The Information and Referral staff can put you in touch with our bereavement support facilitator for ongoing phone support or add you to our online bereavement support community where families use this forum to share their experiences and seek support from each other. We are here to help, and hope that you will continue to reach out if needed. We wish you and your family comfort and strength during this difficult time.

I'm so sorry to hear of your

Submitted by Amy Jo on Mon, 2017-05-08 - 19:17
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. if anyone takes offense, it isn't because of your situation, reality offends some.  I would add the suggestion of getting a local therapist if at all possible. I was talking to someone today who has has also lost family members to sudden and tragic death (unrelated to epilepsy or sudep) and I was saddened she would not see any type of counselor. I think I would be in worse shape without seeing a counselor. also find ways of taking breaks - petting a cat, walking a dog, gardening, knitting, yoga, or whatever self care helps your coping or stress levels.

I'm so livid right now I can

Submitted by subrakay on Fri, 2017-05-12 - 01:38
I'm so livid right now I can hardly see straight.  The ineptitude of western medicine gives me homicidal thoughts.I didn't understand seizures until I began to have them.Once I had them I came to realize EXACTLY how they occur on an intimate level.It, like everything in this world is very simple, western medicine is just dumb.  A moment please, my anger is going through the roof again because now I have to explain myself.I have Astral Projected out of my body many times unlike most human beings, I know the human body on an intimate level.To Astral Project out of your body your body needs to be very maluable with massive amounts of potassium & magnesium including spring water in order to allow for the ULTRA MASSIVE BASE TRANSFERANCE OF KUNDALUNI POWER.All seizures, hence the etymology of the word, are the brain and our body locking up because of a decreased buffer of potassium/magnesium & spring water.For EVERYONE.I'm livid again because of stupidity.I can read your tiny little minds now touting how we're all different which is sparking my fury once again because typing on this tablet SUCKS.Humans are identical on a genetic molecular structure of 99.99%, this means we are all like ice cream in that what freezes one batch of ice cream will most CERTAINLY FREEZE THEM ALL.The small differences being our flavor and the amount of body buffer we have available.I'm so mad because no one has to die like this and I hate it so much and I hate western medicine so much I can hardly stand it.....I suffered seizures in a dungeon where the water caused them and suffered so much I almost died, it terrorfied me....I realized how seizures worked from experiencing them and felt drawn immediately to help others which is why I'm here.The mean and hateful system we live in I hate, they may even say XYZ about this post and try and dictate what I can and can't say like Nazi Germany, I don't know I hate it all so much, but anyway, here goes.Energy, Inner Chi, was attempting to move through your daughters body at a certain rate of speed and because of the blood vessels in the brain not being able to contact and retract at that speed the body becomes tense until it locks up like an engine.The variables areA.  What is trying to be pushed through the body from what you've ingested.B.  Do you have a large enough buffer in your body to push through said material.The problem here is this, a massive lack of knowledge on SO MUCH!For example, I am VERY SENSITIVE to water and feel how it affects my body.I never get headaches not even once a year unless there is an obvious change.I drank terrible Aquafina water and the next morning woke with headaches and feeling like trash.Water was the culprit in my dungeon in Mexico and water is the primary culprit now.Water is responsible for creating the buffer in our bodies and it is usually what my chemist friend calls chain water because the chemical structure is no longer simply H2O, it's a chain of many.The SERIOUS PROBLEM HERE ISWater can not be separated at the molecular level with particulate filters of which only remove partical matter.Reverse osmosis is a particulate filtration system that's WORTHLESS as far as I'm concerned.The only way to separate water back into it's natural form is to run an electric current through the water via a metal rod with copper wrapped around it creating what's known as electrolysis.You don't need to do this though, I drink Crystal Geyser, Evian or Fiji and nothing else.If you're experiencing seizures it's because of something you're doing our not doing.Please contact me so I can help you.-CharlieIf I've offended anyone please come over and we'll talk about your need to read The Power of Now.

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