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Sun, 03/27/2011 - 05:59
For Immediate Release
glenn fenster
6th ANNUAL NORTH AMERICA BIKE RIDE FOR EPILEPSY AWARENESS Miami-New York-Chicago-Denver-Calgary-Fairbanks-Seattle-Venice Beach

Miami, FL - March, 3/22 2011 - My son Nyle started having seizures at age 2. Now 17 he is seizure free. I started riding in 2006 to show my son that no matter what disability of the mind or body anything could be accomplished. The trips paled in comparison to the courage my son and others with seizures showed every day in their lives. Now that my son is seizure free I am asked why keep riding. I ride because somewhere today a parent will witness their child having a seizure for the first time. I know that day, the rush to the hospital and hearing that your child has Epilepsy. Though I might never meet that family I feel as if I can't let them down.

Glenn Fenster, 50 will cycle North America on his 6th Annual ride raising Epilepsy Awareness. This 10,000 mile ride will begin April 10th, 2011 at 6am in Aventura, Florida at Starbucks on 191st and Biscayne Blvd. Fenster will be delivering these media points during his ride... 1. A cure needs to be found because people are dying from Epilepsy 2. No Strobe around the Globe calling on cyclists around the world to stop using their strobe lights. 3. Send Santa your seizure free holiday message and I will deliver them in the City of North Pole, Alaska. From Kathy Fyfe.... Executive Director Calgary Epilepsy Association 24 years I first met Glenn in 2007 during his 2nd annual destiny maker ride from Anchorage to Aventura. He came through Calgary, Alberta. The Epilepsy Association of Calgary along with our colleagues in Edmonton and  Southern Alberta made arrangements to welcome Glenn to our cities. What an inspiration!!! Many of our clients, staff, and board were present to meet Glenn when he rode through Calgary - and it was certainly positive for everyone who met him. As a parent, Glenn is very rare - he one who is literally attempting to move mountains to bring awareness to the condition of epilepsy - in support of his own son and others living with epilepsy. I witnessed the reactions of people who met Glenn, shared their stories and struggles, and in some cases were driven to tears by his effort and its impact.

DestinyMaker is dedicated to my son Nyle and all those with Epilepsy. To all who have lost their lives to SUDEP. To parents of children with epilepsy. To all who behind the scenes work tirelessly in helping those with seizures. I ride for you, your family one person and mile at a time.

DestinyMaker Previous Events.... *B-bike R-run 2006 Seattle to Miami 4038 miles (48 days B) 2007 Anchorage to Miami 6200 miles (66 days B) 2008 Denver to Miami 8100 miles (the long way 81 days B) 2009 New Years 24 hours 301 miles (B) 2009 Valentine 50 mile (r) 11:20:00 2009 Miami to Canada and back. 6500 miles (B) 2010 Miami to Anchorage 6700 mile

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