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Public Policy

Fri, 03/31/2006 - 10:14
Hi everyone, I just returned from the Public Policy Institute and Kid's Speak Up program by the Epilepsy Foundation. I have attended this in past, but usually as a speaker. This time I was a mom, and my son did most of the talking when we visited our Congressman. It's a great experience for all to attend if you are interested in making your voices heard. The message to Congress was to restore funding to critical epilepsy programs such as the CDC, HRSA, and NIH, for public awareness, education, access to care, research. Medicaid issues also were stressed! For people interested in learning more, visit the Epilepsy Foundation website and I'll keep the forum updated on progress of these activities too! Epi_help


Re: Public Policy

Submitted by kayakmom on Thu, 2006-04-06 - 21:46
SO neat that you were there! I was as well. This is my 4th year. My son was Kids Speak rep in 2002. I continue to go back and make visits with other Kids Speak kids in our state and try to train them ahead of time in how things work and how to make leave behinds!! How did he like the visits and the time with the other kids? Mike Simmel, TOny Coelho and Chanda Gun were big hits for many!! G

Re: Public Policy

Submitted by HeatherOverton on Thu, 2006-06-22 - 08:41
I was also in DC and it was a very liberating expierience. I am so excited that the bill passed. I knew it did because I had received letters from each of my congressmen letting me know that they had voted and it had passed. It makes me so proud of the work we all had accomplished while we were there just by telling our stories. I can't wait to go again next year. Keep in touch. Heather "I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it." Maya Angelou

Re: Re: Public Policy

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 2006-07-02 - 09:25
Power of voices - it works sometimes! Lots of advocacy still needed. Pass along any ideas of how we can keep the advocacy messages going on!

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