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Medicare Prescription Drug Update 1

Thu, 06/02/2005 - 17:33

Just received this email message via the Epilepsy Foundation, so I thought it would be a good idea to copy and paste it on here. If you miss something on it let me know and I'll forward it to you, but let me know the address to get it there.

Bruce J

What’s Happening with the new Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit?

The Epilepsy Foundation has been working with the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services about the implementation for each phase of the new prescription drug benefit mandated by the Medicare Modernization Act. The following calendar provides a timeline for Medicare Part D rollout. CMS also has a printable calendar [] on their website.

Over the next few months, the Foundation will send out weekly Medicare updates with information that will include resources such as where to find sources of training, regional training schedules, links to other resources and additional articles about the Medicare prescription drug benefit. In the near future, there will also be a special section on the Foundation's website dedicated to the Medicare prescription drug benefit.

To get you started, here is a downloadablechartfromCMS [ ] that gives a brief overview on how the new prescription drug plans will work.

Calendar for MEDICARE PART D Rollout

June 2005:  People with epilepsy who are currently enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income or the Medicare Savings Program will receive applications for financial assistance for the drug benefit. The notices, which will be mailed to participants, will alert these individuals that Medicare prescription drug coverage is coming and that they will get extra help without having to apply for it. This notice can also be found at

In addition, the Social Security Administration will mail a different letter to people who do not automatically qualify for the extra help, but may be potentially eligible for the new prescription drug benefit. This letter will include a qualification application for a Medicare prescription drug plan. Interested parties can view this letter on the SSA website ]. Once on the site, select Application for Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs.

June 20, 2005 to June 30, 2005:  CMS will mail a letter to individuals who are dual-eligible (those who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid) regarding transition to Medicare plans.

July 1, 2005:  State Medicaid and local Social Security Administration offices will begin accepting applications for low income subsidies.

July 1, 2005:  Deadline for CMS to establish requirements and procedures for coordination between Part D plans and State Pharmacy Assistance Programs and other insurers (Medicaid, group health plans, and TRICARE).

Early August 2005: Employers can apply for federal subsidies to help pay retiree drug costs. Deadline for applications is September 30.

September 14, 2005:  CMS will approve bids for Part D Prescription Drug Plans

September 16, 2005 to November 15, 2005:  Medigap issuers will send written disclosures to H, I, and J policy holders with drug coverage informing them of their options.

Early October 2005: Medicare beneficiaries receive Medicare & You handbooks with details of prescription drug plans and managed care plans.

November 15, 2005 to May 15, 2006:  Beneficiaries enroll in prescription drug plans. People eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare will be automatically enrolled in a plan chosen by CMS if they do not voluntarily choose a plan by December 31, 2005.

January 1, 2006:  Medicare drug coverage will begin.

May 16, 2006:  Late enrollment penalty will begin for all currently eligible Medicare beneficiaries.


RE: Medicare Prescription Drug Update 1

Submitted by Kristi on Fri, 2005-06-03 - 08:59


Thank you so much for the information. 


Thank you so much for the information. 

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