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help it has happened to me too.

Fri, 04/07/2006 - 11:40
hi everyone well i have had a eeg and a sleep deprivation eeg and both of the test came back normal ,and like so many my siezures are still carrying on. why does this happen to so many people who have siezures and have a result that is normal? can any one give me any light on what might happen next? like is there other tests etc? i hope everyone is managing to smile, thanks for any help bevsxxx


Re: help it has happened to me too.

Submitted by Joan K on Fri, 2006-04-07 - 20:58
Hi- I have had many EEG's and recentlly a VEEG. They caught 17 seizures on the Veeg and said they were not from Epilepsy because of no abnormal brain waves. I don't even remember half of them so I wish I could help you but they don't know why I have them either, Good Luck.

Re: help it has happened to me too.

Submitted by tosh on Tue, 2006-05-09 - 18:03
My husband has epilepsy. He just (yesterday 5/8), underwent right temporal brain surgery. However, he also has non epileptic seizures. Now, these seizures won't show anything abnormal as they are non epileptic. There is alot of info on the web about this. NES can be controlled by you. My husband had a subdural grid in for 3 weeks before they were able to pick up an epileptic seizure. He had others but they were all non epileptic. Alot of people are missed diagnosed with having epilepsy just because they have a seizure. You must have an abnormal eeg etc. for a true diagnoses. Hope this helps some.

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