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Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Anyone with a listening ear?

09/2016 | 2 Comments

hello everyone, Any help would be appreciated! :) I'm a 25 year old female and as far back as I can remember I've had these "episodes" I call them. It...
Is it always the same feeling?

08/2016 | 2 Comments

My neurologist wondered if I might be having seizures after describing to her deja vu experiences. I'm 29 now and had several pretty major seizures as...
Help understanding EEG report?

08/2016 | 1 Comments

I just got my 5 year old son's 94 hour EEG results, and I'm super confused. Is anyone able to help be understand the terms? He was diagnosed with...
Just had my VEEG - horrible symptoms

07/2016 | 0 Comments

Hello, I'm new to this - a couple of months back I developed an intermittent myoclonus which became continuous (constant, rhythmic jerking in my...
Vagus Nerve stimulator with MRI

07/2016 | 0 Comments

Hello, I have DRE Epilepsy and am on medications. I recently was sent to another specialist, and she wants me to get a 3T MRI. I was told when I got...
Mystery jolts a type of seizure?

07/2016 | 0 Comments

Hi, I'm a 36y/o otherwise healthy male living in the tropics of Puerto Rico. I'm posting here because when these electric shocks happen they sometimes...
Help with Interpretation of Test Results

07/2016 | 0 Comments

Hi - when I was a toddler in early 1970s was diagnosed with idiopathic epileptic seizures. I was put on Phenobarbitol and then Dilantin for a short...
Please help with this EEG report

07/2016 | 1 Comments

Had EEG test for my wife. The doctor gave report as below "Abnormal EEG with interictal epileptiform discharge which occurred shortly after...
Please help me understand!

06/2016 | 0 Comments

The other day my sister asked me to play Yahtzee with her (a game we have previously played on numerous occasions). I apparently said I could not...
Looking for answers and encouragement.

06/2016 | 0 Comments

The day my drivers license officially is being put on a hold. Thought I would write a post just because I'm frustrated, confused, and a little pissed...
Temporal Lobe Seizure Experiences

06/2016 | 0 Comments

I have been dealing with what I've always thought was hypoglycemia; sweaty, confused, extremely anxious, shaky, etc. The reason I have always...
Clearing my ears during EEG

06/2016 | 0 Comments

I had spikes-wave complexes on my awake, routine EEG. I found out that these are bad. But, during the test I had a sinus infection that was bothering...
Could this be epilepsy

06/2016 | 0 Comments

Hi my Lil boy has microcephaly and a frontal lobe glioma which is stable but especially in the night has been having some suspicious movements do was...
Advice about 3yr old son

06/2016 | 1 Comments

My son has been having staring spells and has also had shaking and gone unconscious several times in the last year and a half. Every doctor,nurse,ems...
Needing help for my baby

06/2016 | 1 Comments

This is my first post on here so im not sure if i am posting right. I have been researching my sons condition endlessly online. I really don't know...
Staring Spells

06/2016 | 1 Comments

I am new to this board. My daughter, not yet 2 years old, was diagnosed with staring spells. She will just start staring off with a vacant expression...

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