Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Need a friend

02/2015 | 1 Comments

Hi, I have had a few seizures in my life. First of all caused by excessive drinking & happening the morning after, waking up with an horrendous...
myoclonic jerks(seizures)?epidural shot

02/2015 | 1 Comments

~~ hi, Im 60 and have questions on myoclonic jerks. I had a epidural shot that caused me a lot of pain. A week later I started having myoclonic jerks...
Give me your opinions!

02/2015 | 2 Comments

This is a more detailed version of my last post. I will write down all of the details I know as the person who commented didn't understand me or...
EEG test question

02/2015 | 1 Comments

I had an eeg test yesterday. Doing a workup for possible seizures. During the breathing portion of the test, I began to get a very bad feeling...
Do I have epilepsy?

02/2015 | 1 Comments

About four years ago I had a seizure while riding a horse. I went to my doctor and after all tests, including an eeg, came back normal he said it was...

02/2015 | 1 Comments

Hi Everyone, I'm posting for a dear friend of mine....does anyone know how many seisure types are directly related to an underactive thyroid gland...
Self testing for dilantin levels

02/2015 | 4 Comments

Why isn't there a self test to get a dilantin level? Diabetics can test themselves and adjust their mediication accordingly. Why can't there be a self...
How to diagnose or rule out Epilepsy?

01/2015 | 1 Comments

Hello! I am new here and looking for some help from members. This will be a bit long, but I hope you people can help me out! Many thanks in advance! I...
Absence seizures?

01/2015 | 2 Comments

Hi, I've been having these episodes for a couple of years now. Neurologist couldn't find anything. Happens during times of great stress. Usual series...
Castor Bean Oil for Seizures

01/2015 | 0 Comments

Did anyone see the Doctors TV Show where a child had ~ 300 a day and she took Castor Bean oil. They almost immediately stopped - 1 hour. Here is the...
MRA for Epilepsy?

12/2014 | 1 Comments

I was diagnosed with epilepsy somewhere back around 2009, but as family, friends, and myself look back there seemed to have been many signs at a young...
Mild Epilepsy or Panic Attack?

12/2014 | 1 Comments

Hi eveyone and thanks for taking the time to read... I'm a 54 year-old male, living in the UK. Since my early teens I've suffered from what I call my...
First seizure

12/2014 | 2 Comments

Hi everyone! My name is Meghan and I'm 24 years old. Six months ago, I had a (what doctors think) tonic-clonic seizure. It happened when I woke up one...
Occipital lobe epilepsy

12/2014 | 0 Comments

I am hoping to find someone here that also has this. I read about all different kinds of seizure activity but not the visual hallucinations associated...
First seizure?

12/2014 | 1 Comments

Hi, I'm Taylor and I'm 16 years old, no previous history of seizures. I think I may (and this is a large maybe) have had a simple partial seizure. It...

12/2014 | 1 Comments

Hi my name is Grace.I was officially diagnosed with benign occipital epilepsy when I was three,I had a bad seizure at a bird park.My mom didn't want...

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