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Am I off and alone here? Simple Partial Seizures

Sun, 11/03/2013 - 09:46

I only see my neurologist once every 6 months or so.  I'm happy about that.  The reason why is because though she diagnosed me as having Simple Partial Seizures every time I mention my symptoms she tells me it is psychiatric-based.  I do have a psychiatric condition, but I know A LOT about it and the symptoms I describe to her are not related to my mental illness.  So, I surf the net a lot and try to see if anyone else has what I believe is "seizure activity".  I find all of my symptoms plastered over one website after another.

Here are some of the symptoms I've had:

Repeating words - yes, she thinks it is SPS

Laughing jags - yes, she thinks it is SPS

Urge to run - I'm not sure if that is SPS or psychiatric

Musical hallucinations - She thinks it is psychiatric, my psychiatrist thinks seizure-related

Visual hallucinations when I'm stable - I can only assume they are SPS because I don't have schizophrenia.  Some I've only assumed were hallucinations because to be real they would be absurd.

Time and space distortions

Auditory hallucinations (sound of radio, ambulance siren, etc.)

Olfactory hallucinations (always smoke)

Deja vu (I've had this only a few times)

If anyone can relate that would motivate me to get a new neurologist.  I don't want to know more about SPSs than my neurologist.

Also, my neurologist has my psychiatrist handle my seizure med.  The main reason is because it is also a medication for my mental illness and I see my psychiatrist much more often than the neurologist.  Currently I take a therapeutic dose of Tegretol XR (1400 mg) and also a small dose of Lamictal (100 mg).  I wonder why I still have these symptoms occasionally.  Yes, occasionally, but at least some of them once per month.

Some of the hallucinations and time/space distortions are only noticed by me, and usually after the fact.  Initially I wonder if they are really real.  Only a little after do I decide they're not.

If anyone has some feedback or can tell me if you relate or not, I'd really appreciate it. 


Re: Am I off and alone here? Simple Partial Seizures

Submitted by Cthebird on Wed, 2013-11-20 - 10:06
Hello ral.  I went to my neurologist about 8 days ago and she added Vimpat to my Tegretol XR.  So far so good.  I even saw my biggest trigger and didn't have any of these strange occurences.  If it comes back as usual I WILL seek out a specialist.

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