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Epilepsy and work

Thu, 08/16/2018 - 00:45
Good day everyone, I just joined the forum and that's because I've been doing some research on a subject and I haven't been able to find many answers, thing is I am 24 years old, I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 16, It was apparently triggered by a cough syrup I took, and things just went down the road since then, my first medication was tegretol, it didn't work so well, I was then swiched over to lamictal but it was just not quite right, so my doctor tried combining it with phenobarbital and I had a major crisis, I ended up being hospitalized, so another doctor ended up switching me over to a combination of lamictal and phenytoin, this combo has worked successfully and been seizure free for a year now, I am even allowed to drive but I am currently unemployed, and that's where the problem comes, every job offer I get has crazy early shifts, and even though my epilepsy is under control now, I have a background of grand mals when waking up really early in the morning, for example 4-5 am, but that gets me thinking that i had that problem when I wasnt on the right medications, what about now though? I seem to be okay, so should I let a good job opportunity pass just for the risk of having a seizure, I mean I'll never know unless I try, I spoke with my doctor and he kind of left it up to me, its like a 50/50 chance. My mother in fact is not very fond of the idea amd we even had a small fight over this subject, so Im just wondering, has anyone had this problem? And should i take the risk? It could be that my meds are working perfectly and I wont have a seizure and be able to work just fine but then again it could be the other way around. Suggestions?

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