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My sons absense symptoms

Fri, 02/10/2006 - 04:48
i have a 5 year old son who is in the process of been diagnosed with absense seizures. he will shortly be put on medication. his symptoms are cramps in his stomach,staring and drooling and when he has a really bad one he slurs his words like somebody drunk. thats the only way i can describe it,ive been reading other peoples stories and ive only now realised that he can have these stares afew times a day,it really does only look like hes daydreaming. does anybody elses child have these symptoms?


Re: My sons absense symptoms

Submitted by guitarmomma on Sun, 2006-02-12 - 18:05
You mention that he is in the process of diagnosis. Has he had an EEG yet? Have you spoken to a neurologist about his symptoms? Slurred speech, drooling and stomach issues not relating to illness can be symptoms of several seizure types including simple partials, complex partials or Absence. I hope you can get real answers very soon.

Re: My sons absense symptoms

Submitted by txrhb1 on Tue, 2006-02-14 - 03:32
Hi - I have never experienced absence seizures, so I don't have much to offer you there. However, recently, my epileptologist mentioned that my long-term stomach issues may be caused by my seizures. I have gone through all sorts of gastro testing, with no definitive long-term diagnosis. none of the meds for gastro problems has helped. Hopefully, you will be able to get it all under control for your son. I know how hard it is on you as a parent - my 22 year old daughter has had seizures since she was 9. It's harder for me to watch her seize than it is for me to have a seizure myself. Keep us posted, okay? Blessings, Barbie *************************************** "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other." -lucian de crescenzo

Re: My sons absense symptoms

Submitted by mmarie1010 on Sun, 2006-04-09 - 20:29
my son started this way 3 years ago. He started sleeping for many hours at a time (sometimes as many as 24 in a stretch). He was 5 at the time. I became concerned right away, it was happening at least once a month. When you tried to wake him, he was seeing things that were not there, speaking in what seemed like tongues. At first ( as silly as it seems ) I thought that he might be possessed. after an entire year of fighting with doctors in our area that something was wrong with him, he was diagnosed with epilepsy only after having to go through 4 grand mal seizures in one day. He is currently on the medication lamictal. We have not been able to fully control his seizures, although he is no longer have the gran mal any longer. We now deal with what you have described. talking as if drunk, playing with his fingers, sucking on his tongue, headaches, screaming out in class just before going into a stare, and never remembers a thing afterwards. Just the other day his brother witnessed one while they were playing outside. he was talking and making no sense, clicking his fingers together, staring off at nothing. his grades are suffering tramatically. If anyone has any advise of how to deal with the schooling issues, I would greatly appreciate that.

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