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Mystery Events - Seizures or Not?????

Wed, 07/29/2015 - 09:31

Anyone have any experience with nocturnal events - my 19 year old daughter has Idiopathic generalized epilepsy and during her waking time has grand mal seizures,she is seizure free almost 2 years. However - She gets these nocturnal events only in her sleep. The event wakes her up she feels shaky and like she is spinning, her eyes are fluttering, because I have witnessed them, and they last only 20-30 seconds. She is nauseaus afterwards, sometimes severly, and then falls back asleep. Sometimes it happens 2-3 times, sometimes they cluster and happen every 10 minutes for an hour, at that point she wont go back to sleep because she is so frustrated and tired. Her EEG's are usually clean, even after a grand mal, so they are useless to diagnose her, and we have never been able to capture these nocturnal events. It's been over a week now that she is having them nightly. Anyone have anything??? Please, she is so frustrated and upset and hopeless... Thank you. 


mom to daughter 19 with epilepsy since age 9 and my other daughter has type 1 diabetes since age 11


can u talk when ur in a

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 2015-08-07 - 09:27
can u talk when ur in a seizures

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