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Research purposes

Fri, 10/05/2018 - 15:24
Hello everyone, my name is Carmen and the first thing I want to say is that I am not epileptic. The second things is that I am a writer (trying to be a writer, at least) and due to personal reasons I will gladly explain to anyone who wants to know I have included an epileptic main character in my current novel. Now, I have done research, I have read all I could read about epilepsy, and I still feel like I lack something for my story to become real, to really reflect the personal experience of a teenager suffering from epilepsy, so I decide to talk to people who have really undergone/are undergoing this experience. If there is someone here who would like to share this with me, and answer about specific questions that concern my character please contact me at my email: I will answer all the questions you guys have about the character and gladly accept your advice if you think there is something I'm protraying badly. Thanks a lot for your help!

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