Community Forum Archive

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Fri, 07/28/2006 - 19:18
Hi all, I am gearing up for my epilepsy surgery next month. My doctor has prescribed an anti-depressant for me to take while I wait for the date to approach and also for after the surgery. To help with the adjustment period. She prescribed Lexapro. When we went to pick it up we had to pay $50. My husband through a fit and took it back. I was wondering if there are any other anti-depressants out there, with few side effects and that aren't so costly. I know some of you are thinking, $50 isn't that big of a deal. That is with our insurance card. We need to find one that is a little less. HELP!!!!!! Keri


Re: Re: Re: Anti-Depressants.....

Submitted by Colina on Sun, 2006-07-30 - 15:39
Hi Allison. I'm Canadian also and the answer to your question is... we are covered but not until our deductable is met. Meaning we pay full price until we have reached a certain amount of dollars wich the government sets according to income. Example: If your deductable is 2000 dollars once you have spent that much on meds(all prescription meds for you and your household members included) pharmicare kicks in and pays for the remainder of the year. You must save all reciepts to send in. Hope this helps and welcome back. Smiles

Re: Re: Re: Re: Anti-Depressants.....

Submitted by Allison on Sat, 2006-08-12 - 22:26
Colina; HI , been a few weeks since I've been on. But I wanted to say thank you for your input. That does help a bit. It is great appreciated! Thanks again.

Re: Anti-Depressants.....

Submitted by mommy2kyra on Fri, 2006-07-28 - 22:28
Hi sweetie, I can definitely relate to the money concerns. My epi was very hesitant to start me on anti-depressants, because of an increased risk of seizures. I hadn't ever heard of that before. He explained that there is a risk of 1-2% for all anti-depressants, except Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin isn't an option, as the risk is 4%. Celexa was at the top of my epi's list when I decided to try anti-depressants. Maybe the Celexa will be cheaper with your insurance than the Lexapro? I hope so! You could always mention your financial concern with the epi, and see what she recommends. Best of luck and ((hugs)) to you! Heather :)

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