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Do I stay on this medication? Help please...

Mon, 03/14/2005 - 09:20
I had an EEG a little over a year ago and have been put on 3 different medications with various dosages during that time, with no relief. Needless to say I am getting anxious to find something to help. I started a new combination of Keppra and Trileptal about a month ago and haven't felt any better. I get dream-like seizures where I feel like I can't concentrate and I'm not myself and they usually last for what seems to be all day sometimes. Anyways, I am wondering how long I stay on a medicine before I know if it works. I am at full dosage now and feel like I just waste days waiting to see if I'll feel better later. Has anyone asked or been told how long it takes for you to feel better from the medicine. I don't know when it should start working.thanks


RE: RE: RE: Do I stay on this medication? Help please...

Submitted by batman on Thu, 2005-03-10 - 21:45

Thank you greatly Gretchen, for your complement. The have searched and have found so much information via the Internet, but one great thing IÂ’ve gone through was at the S.E.E. Program, which was held in Houston, Texas, back in November last year [2004]. I highly recommend that anyone and everyone to please go to this website for all the information about this program [Seizure &Epilepsy Education Program] and make certain that you click on the Program Dates listed in the menu located along the left side of the screen. Website is


As you night notice janb, I mentioned that this program was done right there in Houston. Well Hello fellow Texan. I live in a small town, along IH-35, between Austin and San Marcos. I want to tell you that there is another conference [2005 A Day of HOPE Conference] already scheduled for Saturday, April 2, 2005; 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in San Antonio, TX. At theUniversity of Texas Health Science Center.


I already knew about this coming up about 3 or 4 months ago and certain about attending it, but the location of where it would be held at was still undetermined until just last month. I thought it was going to be free, but when I checked the website for more info it shows that registration is required. So I plan to check up on this tomorrow morning myself, by contacting the Epilepsy Foundation of Central & South [1-888-606-5353]. Several of the presenters who are doing this are my own doctors. Sure would like to see you and your family to meet you there. HereÂ’s one of the websites for more information and it also has some links for additional information.


Bruce IJ

Thank you greatly Gretchen, for your complement. The have searched and have found so much information via the Internet, but one great thing IÂ’ve gone through was at the S.E.E. Program, which was held in Houston, Texas, back in November last year [2004]. I highly recommend that anyone and everyone to please go to this website for all the information about this program [Seizure &Epilepsy Education Program] and make certain that you click on the Program Dates listed in the menu located along the left side of the screen. Website is


As you night notice janb, I mentioned that this program was done right there in Houston. Well Hello fellow Texan. I live in a small town, along IH-35, between Austin and San Marcos. I want to tell you that there is another conference [2005 A Day of HOPE Conference] already scheduled for Saturday, April 2, 2005; 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. in San Antonio, TX. At theUniversity of Texas Health Science Center.


I already knew about this coming up about 3 or 4 months ago and certain about attending it, but the location of where it would be held at was still undetermined until just last month. I thought it was going to be free, but when I checked the website for more info it shows that registration is required. So I plan to check up on this tomorrow morning myself, by contacting the Epilepsy Foundation of Central & South [1-888-606-5353]. Several of the presenters who are doing this are my own doctors. Sure would like to see you and your family to meet you there. HereÂ’s one of the websites for more information and it also has some links for additional information.


Bruce IJ

RE: RE: Do I stay on this medication? Help please...

Submitted by Kristi on Fri, 2005-03-11 - 07:38



Could you please let me know more about that abdominal epilepsy?  Please


I would be very interested to find out more about it. Thank you

See meds have not been working for my 15yr for 7 years now. If you have the time I would love more information about this.

Thank you




Could you please let me know more about that abdominal epilepsy?  Please


I would be very interested to find out more about it. Thank you

See meds have not been working for my 15yr for 7 years now. If you have the time I would love more information about this.

Thank you


RE: RE: RE: Do I stay on this medication? Help please...

Submitted by batman on Sat, 2005-03-12 - 00:02

Sure can Kristi.


I’ve had epilepsy for 18 yrs now and still certain that something is triggering the seizures in my lower right side abdomen. After explaining what I felt for years, over and over to my doctors, they always say that those feelings are ‘auras’. I now know about auras. Well, with what I’ve learned over the past years and with something I just found online early this month, I’m wondering if my problem is ‘Abdominal Epilepsy’. Also, if other people may have the same thing. Here’s why. If people can have their szs starting with something triggering it, like flashing light, smells, audio, or even hot water on their heads, then would it be possible for something in a person’s digestive tract to trigger a sz too?


My szs most always occur around 6 hours after IÂ’ve eaten and with where they start at, I now strongly believe theyÂ’re being triggered within my digestive tract. HereÂ’s the website where I found information about abdominal epilepsy and suggest everyone to check it outÂ…


For all that IÂ’ve gone though with neurological testing [many different AED combinations, EEGs, MRIs, CT, 24hr veeg, WADA, & fEEG/brain mapping] and nothing more known about to help bring my szs to an end, IÂ’m going to do something myself, and so far for 2 ? months, this treatment plan seams to be working, because the frequency and strength of my simple partial szs / auras, have gone down.


The only thing IÂ’ve done differently, so far, is with the diet. Not with what I eat, but with the particular items IÂ’m eating during each separate meal. For example, my morning breakfast. I usually have both milk and cereal, along with various fruits and orange juice, or other juices. The diet recommends NOT to eat milk AND fruits or juices, together for the whole meal. So now I rotate. One morning, just milk and cereal. The next morning fruits, juices and breading, like muffins, pancakes, and waffles. The diet also recommends eating much more veggies. So now I eat alot more salads. Also, avoid so much red meat. More details about the diet on this website


Not only has this lowered my szs business, but also my cholesterol. Just found out about this in late February by having my blood test done and with the primary physician explaining to me about these results.


There is much more still yet to be done within the treatment plan. Go to the website about their information of “OVERVIEW OF EPILEPSY”, and scroll done to notice the section titled “EDGAR CAYCE'S THERAPEUTIC MODEL”, which will talk about the hot castor oil and massage aiding to break up adhesions, etc.


And, more details of that, via SPA PACKAGE – 4 located on this website


I have made reservations and scheduled appointments to have this done next month. Hopefully this will be a stronger step forward for my sake, because I cannot do anything more at this time other than just antiepileptic drugs.


If any one would like to email me directly, my address is at [email protected]. But, whenever you send me a message, add something in the subject line in relation to epilepsy or seizures, and which online support weÂ’re connected to. This one here being


I will try to keep everyone posted on my results with this epilepsy treatment plan.

Bruce IJ

Sure can Kristi.


I’ve had epilepsy for 18 yrs now and still certain that something is triggering the seizures in my lower right side abdomen. After explaining what I felt for years, over and over to my doctors, they always say that those feelings are ‘auras’. I now know about auras. Well, with what I’ve learned over the past years and with something I just found online early this month, I’m wondering if my problem is ‘Abdominal Epilepsy’. Also, if other people may have the same thing. Here’s why. If people can have their szs starting with something triggering it, like flashing light, smells, audio, or even hot water on their heads, then would it be possible for something in a person’s digestive tract to trigger a sz too?


My szs most always occur around 6 hours after IÂ’ve eaten and with where they start at, I now strongly believe theyÂ’re being triggered within my digestive tract. HereÂ’s the website where I found information about abdominal epilepsy and suggest everyone to check it outÂ…


For all that IÂ’ve gone though with neurological testing [many different AED combinations, EEGs, MRIs, CT, 24hr veeg, WADA, & fEEG/brain mapping] and nothing more known about to help bring my szs to an end, IÂ’m going to do something myself, and so far for 2 ? months, this treatment plan seams to be working, because the frequency and strength of my simple partial szs / auras, have gone down.


The only thing IÂ’ve done differently, so far, is with the diet. Not with what I eat, but with the particular items IÂ’m eating during each separate meal. For example, my morning breakfast. I usually have both milk and cereal, along with various fruits and orange juice, or other juices. The diet recommends NOT to eat milk AND fruits or juices, together for the whole meal. So now I rotate. One morning, just milk and cereal. The next morning fruits, juices and breading, like muffins, pancakes, and waffles. The diet also recommends eating much more veggies. So now I eat alot more salads. Also, avoid so much red meat. More details about the diet on this website


Not only has this lowered my szs business, but also my cholesterol. Just found out about this in late February by having my blood test done and with the primary physician explaining to me about these results.


There is much more still yet to be done within the treatment plan. Go to the website about their information of “OVERVIEW OF EPILEPSY”, and scroll done to notice the section titled “EDGAR CAYCE'S THERAPEUTIC MODEL”, which will talk about the hot castor oil and massage aiding to break up adhesions, etc.


And, more details of that, via SPA PACKAGE – 4 located on this website


I have made reservations and scheduled appointments to have this done next month. Hopefully this will be a stronger step forward for my sake, because I cannot do anything more at this time other than just antiepileptic drugs.


If any one would like to email me directly, my address is at [email protected]. But, whenever you send me a message, add something in the subject line in relation to epilepsy or seizures, and which online support weÂ’re connected to. This one here being


I will try to keep everyone posted on my results with this epilepsy treatment plan.

Bruce IJ

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