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Wed, 05/19/2004 - 12:40

Does anyone have experience with taking Felbatol? I was taking Dilantin and Depakote for about 18 yrs. when my system began to no longer absorb the meds. I'm now on a Trileptal/Keppra combo but my neurologist wants me to consider using Felbatol if, this doesn't work out.


Re: Felbatol

Submitted by Spin_Doctor on Mon, 2006-05-08 - 14:03
These past weeks we've been trying to figure out how to stop my daughter's (3 years old) siezures - started with Depakote and that only seems to lower the severity. She was give Felbatol and within a few hours she hasn't had one. Going on 48 hours 2 hours from now. I'm really nervous, but I hope this is it. Doctor told us some scary things about Lennox Gustoph (sp?). Anyone know about that syndrome?

Re: Re: Felbatol

Submitted by nomoreseizures on Mon, 2006-05-08 - 14:26
Please do not scare me, I am currently on that drug Felbatol; if you receive any information concerning Lennox Gustoph please let me know at once. I will talk to my doctor here in New York and see if I can get any information for you as well.

Re: Re: Re: Felbatol

Submitted by Spin_Doctor on Tue, 2006-05-09 - 10:21
My daughter has gone more than 66 hours now without a seizure - and I think this is all to Felbatol. She seems a bit cranky now and then, but I also think this is because she was cooked up in a hospital for 2 1/2 days and poked and prodded. I'm hoping this is the resolution to our problem. Lennox Gastaut is what I meant - didn't spell it right. I've found a few things on this site about it, but still learning. Basically, from what I can read, the medications don't take. It's pretty scary - and these past few nights I've dreamt that she had seizures (when she didn't) -- I'm just emotionally spent. We've gone from 80 a day (about 20 seconds in lenght) to 0. I hope this sticks. Felbatol has some things you need to becareful about -- mainly problems with blood and liver. Blood tests will help monitor this and keep everything ok. Based on what my doctor told us is that you have to be "the one" to come down with this type of side effect. Very rare. I'm trusting that this will not be the case with us. I feel for you as I know what you are going through. This site is a good place to get things out.

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