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I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life back

Tue, 04/12/2005 - 13:50

I dont condone doing illegal activities but this was my life here.

I have suffered from complex partial seizures for over 10 years. Before I go unconscious I have a 10 second simple partial seizure (aura) . I have smoke marijauna for this purpose as every single time with out fail it has stopped my complex partial seizure from triggering. I never have gone unconscious once if I have marijuana whilst have the simple partial seizure. im sure everyone who has this epilepsy feels restricted in many ways, I have lost friends and cant work. But as soon as I put this technique into practise i got my life back. My neurologist knows everything about it and after months of nagging the austen Hospital in melbourne to research it they finally told me the good news that they had funding for it. It may be available in pill form in the near future.  Please reply to me [email protected] if you have had similiar experiences with this highly over looked medical plant . I have now had the surgery and suffer from simple comlex seizures but I can live with the aura feeling. I highly recommend my advice above. Try it at least once. Do it for yourself.  Pete


RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life back

Submitted by mak1123 on Thu, 2005-04-07 - 16:16

hello, just reading your letter reminds me of many things that i have told my doctor.  i have had epilepsy since i was 11.  all through my teens i "smoked up"  when i became pregnant with my daughter i quit.  shortly after i had my daughter i began to have seizures again.  the short periods that i did smoke marijuana after becoming a parent, i felt guilty for doing something illegal, but i also felt good because i wasn't having the seizures as often.  i do agree that doctors do need to look in to the good side of marijuana.  and come out with a pill that won't make me tired and hungry and cotton-mouthed.

right now i deal with the seizures, if i could handle the marijuana, i would.  my daughter needs my time that both things take away from her.

hello, just reading your letter reminds me of many things that i have told my doctor.  i have had epilepsy since i was 11.  all through my teens i "smoked up"  when i became pregnant with my daughter i quit.  shortly after i had my daughter i began to have seizures again.  the short periods that i did smoke marijuana after becoming a parent, i felt guilty for doing something illegal, but i also felt good because i wasn't having the seizures as often.  i do agree that doctors do need to look in to the good side of marijuana.  and come out with a pill that won't make me tired and hungry and cotton-mouthed.

right now i deal with the seizures, if i could handle the marijuana, i would.  my daughter needs my time that both things take away from her.

RE: RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life back

Submitted by 38benny on Thu, 2005-04-07 - 18:39

Excuse me, maybe this is just my pure ignorance (remember ignorance is not stupidity, it means "not having knowledge"), but how do you really know that you ARE NOT having seizures while your "high" on the dope? Doesn't that just put you in a whole other world in its self where you really don't know what's going on?

Trust me I'm not putting it down or anything I just don't understand it. Personally, I've had too many friends that were high on their own without epilepsy and severly damaged themselves either driving or otherwise because they didn't know what the heck they were doing... so I guess its something you REALLY need to be careful of.


Excuse me, maybe this is just my pure ignorance (remember ignorance is not stupidity, it means "not having knowledge"), but how do you really know that you ARE NOT having seizures while your "high" on the dope? Doesn't that just put you in a whole other world in its self where you really don't know what's going on?

Trust me I'm not putting it down or anything I just don't understand it. Personally, I've had too many friends that were high on their own without epilepsy and severly damaged themselves either driving or otherwise because they didn't know what the heck they were doing... so I guess its something you REALLY need to be careful of.


RE: RE: RE: I know its illegal, But it works and I have my life

Submitted by flashbakx on Fri, 2005-04-08 - 01:56

Your question is a fair one. And you obviously havent smoked it before. You dont go into a world of your own and see colours and trees talking as the movies portray. Also u know if u have had a seizure. Also if you have been unconscious. Marijauna stops it dead in its tracks. No more complex partial. Thanks for your question anyway. pete

Your question is a fair one. And you obviously havent smoked it before. You dont go into a world of your own and see colours and trees talking as the movies portray. Also u know if u have had a seizure. Also if you have been unconscious. Marijauna stops it dead in its tracks. No more complex partial. Thanks for your question anyway. pete

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