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Keppra and rage

Mon, 03/06/2006 - 21:15
Hello, I have been taking Keppra for a couple of weeks now and i've been experiencing moments of intense anger(rage).Does anyone know if this side effect lessons over time? Keppra has really helped me but I don't know if I can subject my friends and family to moments of almost uncontrollable rage.I would appreciate any advice/input.Thanks.


Re: Keppra and rage

Submitted by angel_lts on Tue, 2006-03-07 - 07:30
My sister and her daughter are on it. Her doctor perscribed b 6. B6 is suppose to help with the mood issues. Talk with your doctor before making any changes take care lisa

Re: Re: Keppra and rage

Submitted by guitarmomma on Tue, 2006-03-07 - 08:01
my son has just started Keppra and the rage possibility is scary for me as well! I hope that things will settle down for you! B6 is a good idea and does help many. Hope Keppra helps you!

Re: Re: Re: Keppra and rage

Submitted by andy m on Tue, 2006-04-11 - 10:38
I've been on Keppra for 3 years now, virtually since it came out in the U.K. and after the initial bedding in period, which i have never found easy with any new meds (and believe me there have been plenty of those over the years) I can honestly say that if anything i am a calmer person than the one that was angry and frustrated all the time especially with those closest to me. I think that part of the anger comes from the fact that its new meds and your thinking is this the one that's going to do it for me or am i going back to square one again. A lot of it is our minds playing games with us. but eventually if it starts to do the trick for you will calm down. I also found that the clobazam i am on just takes the edge off that rage an all round feeling of panic and frustration. I also take Epilim and the 3 work in unison just right and i have been seizure free for 3 years now, which obviously goes a long way towards me being so much calmer now. A lot of the time we're searching for instant answers and over 25 years I've learnt it isn't that simple and i know you don't want to hear this but sometimes you've just got to tough it out and if it works for you its well worth it. I hope it works out for you and if it does or if you feel like letting off a bit of that rage get in touch. Take Care.

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