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Keppra and rage

Mon, 03/06/2006 - 21:15
Hello, I have been taking Keppra for a couple of weeks now and i've been experiencing moments of intense anger(rage).Does anyone know if this side effect lessons over time? Keppra has really helped me but I don't know if I can subject my friends and family to moments of almost uncontrollable rage.I would appreciate any advice/input.Thanks.


Re: Keppra and rage

Submitted by blink on Sat, 2006-11-11 - 16:20
I have been taking Keppra for 3 years. I take it with Carbatrol. I am lucky. I have only had one seizure but since i have a spot on my brain the doctors advised it best that I continue taking meds. I started with Depakote but it made me tired and fat. Then I took Tegretol for a long time until switching to a new doctor. It was the best move I ever made. When he added Keppra I went from having one focal point (aura) a month to almost one a year! No more migranes and it has made my thinking sharper. Things that never made sense in high school/college seem to jump right out at me. Plus I am more alert and my problem solving is better. About the rage. I wish someone would have told me about it. I still wouldn't stop taking it. I don't mind it. I just found out a week ago that my anger was caused by the Keppra. My family and friends all thought I was just a jackass. Now I have a reason. My biggest problem is nagging. When my mother or another family member "nags" me about something I have already set my mind on I can literally feel the rage "switch on" and it is hard as hell to turn it off. I wouldn't recommend Keppra for children for this reason, however, I seem to feel better after going running or talking to someone that will just let me vent like a therapist. I don't recommend talking to my mother. She seems to think that I can just control it. Of course when she says this I "switch on" and then usually make her cry. Has anyone else taking Keppra also felt apathetic toward serious situations? My grandmother fell once while I was taking her to the beauty shop. while everyone else was scrambling around the place wondering what to do I made the call to 911, took care of dealing with the EMT's like showing them her meds, made sure I called the right family and friends and then fixed myself a sandwich and watched TV. I don't mind the "grace under pressure" but I am not sure this is how I would have reacted 3 years ago. Scott PS> if Keppra works for you I would continue to take it. Let your family know about the anger. My doctor tells me that this is my problem and it's important for me to be in control of the seizures. Since I am now in control I don't want to lose control again. Maybe it's different for me. I don't have any small children nor am I married. I share a house with my brother who knows how to not get me angry and the "anger" actually helps me in my job when dealing with difficult people. All I am saying is what my doctor told me. "if it works for you then tell everyone else to 'deal with it;"

Re: Re: Keppra and rage

Submitted by andy m on Sun, 2006-11-12 - 14:31
Hi there, Thanks for the comments the one thing you said that I can relate to most was about being alert all of a sudden and things suddenly making sense that had seemed difficult before. I had that same feeling, it was if my brain had suddenly been switched on for the first time in years. For a long time it was as if I viewed everything through a muddy blur and I couldn't make sense of very simple things sometimes, but with the Keppra it was like a switch being flicked everything clicked into gear. It took a bit of getting used to, especially when you have looked at things one way for so long and you often realise that you have been treated very badly over the years as well as treating others badly, but thankfully now I've started patching up a lot of the damage I've done in the past and I've started to welcome back old friends into my life. I'm glad Keppra is working for you and would be interested if anyone else has had this feeling of becoming more alert after starting to take it. Good Luck

Re: Keppra and rage

Submitted by Joan K on Sun, 2006-11-12 - 15:55
Hi- I have been on Keppra for more than a year. I went thru rage, delusions and confusion for about the first six months. Then, I lost most of my friends here because they could not desl with me either. Finslly I went to my Doctor snd he put me on Cymbalta, an antidepressant to balance me out. It's helped the rage part but the confusion is still there. If you go off do it very slowly because you go thru the rage thing again, at least in my case. Some people do really well on it. I still take a little every day and hope someday to get off entirely. Good Luck Joan

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