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new medication

Wed, 05/04/2005 - 11:06
I recentally switched my meds from Topamax to Trepatal and now Im getting these little red bumps all over me. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm wondering if this is the medication or something else.


RE: new medication

Submitted by Yakota on Fri, 2005-04-22 - 16:21
Hi. I don't know if your red bumps are from the medicine or not. After being on the AED Gabetral for four months I broke out in a rash. My neuro took me off the drug and added another AED. You should phone the pharmacy and ask if "red bumps," or other skin problems are side effects associated ith the drug. Soirry I can't be of more help. Let me know what you find out. Best wishes to you in solving your delimma. Linda.

RE: new medication

Submitted by angel_lts on Sat, 2005-04-23 - 07:11
I have a slight rash on my face. Get it checked out. Trileptal can do that. Also be aware of low sodium with this medication. It will cause a seizure if it gets too low. Keep gatorade in the house you will need it.

RE: new medication

Submitted by fehrri on Sat, 2005-04-23 - 09:28

I have always heard that any kind of a rash on an AED should be taken very seriously and the doctor called immediately.  It doesn't mean your rash may be super bad but some are and so you have to be extremely careful.  I suggest you call your Dr.    Susie

I have always heard that any kind of a rash on an AED should be taken very seriously and the doctor called immediately.  It doesn't mean your rash may be super bad but some are and so you have to be extremely careful.  I suggest you call your Dr.    Susie

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