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Newbie with a problem. Any help would be gr8!

Sat, 01/28/2006 - 13:20
Hello everybody, I'm new here. I see my Neurology Consultant in a couple of week and I may be changing my meds.I have temporal lobe epilepsy but have had the odd grand mal seizure. I've been on Tegretol since I was 11- I'm 30 now. I have to admit that I've been seizure free for several yrs; infact the only times I've had convulsions has been whenever I've vomited or forgotten to take my meds. The thing is I've been becoming increasingly more photosensitive. I'm having trouble right now just looking at my pc screen. Over the past few yrs my meds have been upped and upped. I'm on 1200 mgs now. I've also had more and more trouble with depression and when it takes over it makes the epilepsy worse and, well, it juat about brings my whole life to a stand still. Does anyone know if there are any antidepressants I could take for this depression. Should I change my meds to an AED that allows me to take them or one that may have antidepressant qualities? I heard that Lamictal is given to people with depression. Has anyone taken it along with other meds? I'm reluctant to go fof Tegretol since it's kept me seizure--free for so long but the depression is such a problem... ANy information anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. Yours, Walker


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Newbie with a problem. Any help would be gr8

Submitted by themaleys on Mon, 2006-03-27 - 21:42
I am on Lamictal and topamax and they put me on Zoloft and antidepressant after I had to have a hysterectomy to help with hot flashes and mood swings. It did not interfere with my seizures. At the time I was just on phenobarb but I could only take lilly brand and lilly quit making it so they had to change my meds to the ones above and since they have changed them I have had 5 seizures but they are still adjusting meds. Last seizure was 3-14-06. Mary

Trileptal is the cousin to

Submitted by SarahLynn on Tue, 2006-03-28 - 21:13
Trileptal is the cousin to Tegretol and has proven itself a worthy med to check out. Read people's experiences and ratings at Trileptal also has way less side effects but works similarly because the drugs are close in composition. Sarah

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