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Sun, 01/25/2004 - 04:38
My husband's specialist wants to trial him on this drug. I have no peace about it, just as I did not about Topomax. Which turned out to be very toxic for his body and he is now recovering with only one seizure in seven weeks. I want to know more information about Pregabalin/m not sure of the spelling.Anyone able to help me?


RE: pregabalin

Submitted by tibet2 on Sun, 2004-01-25 - 04:38
hi !hope you are enjoying summer down under!do you mean that your husband's doc wants him enrolled in a drug study - or just that he wants to try him on pregabalin? is it approved for use in australia yet?why does the doc want to try him on such a new drug? has he failed on other drugs? there is quiet a bit to read about pregabalin if you google it... i can understand that you would be anxious about a new drug - nobody knows the long terms side effects of a new drug...pregabalin is being marketed as an anticonvulsant, anti-anxiety med and also as a med to relieve neuropathic pain.... luck to both you and your husband.

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