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rash from topomax?

Sat, 07/08/2006 - 22:10
I started taking 50mg of Topomax a day about a month ago, combined with 900 mg of Trileptal (which I have been on for quite some time). A couple of weeks ago I began to develop this terrible rash which has now spread all over my body. I saw a dermatologist and he and my neurologist both do not feel that it is the Trileptal, even though this can be a side effect. They suspect the Topomax and now have me off of it. (I'm still in misery waiting for the rash to go away). Has anyone else had this problem with Topomax? Thanks!


I've been taking 100-200 mg

Submitted by [email protected] on Fri, 2020-03-20 - 10:57
I've been taking 100-200 mg of Topomax for 20 years then 2 months ago, I started breakin out in hives all over my body.  We thought it was a food allergy.  I didn't stop taking it and I've been in misery. Finally, stopped taking everything and it went away.  I started taking everything back one at a time and figured out it was the Topomax.  After seeing several doctors, He told me that some medications can effect you after long periods of time and this particular drug is one of them.  I can relate to the misery you must of been in.  Mine started Feb 2 and I'm at the end of mine, but still there.  Hope you are feeling better soon.

Hi, I just read about your

Submitted by mscarmex on Sun, 2006-07-09 - 04:46
Hi, I just read about your rash so I decided to look up Trileptal and under Less Common side effects allergies and rash is listed. You need to get one of these books. You can find them at almost any drug store and I know they have them at wal mart. They are called The Pill Book. The same thing is also listed under Less Common for Topamax. I took Topamax for 3 years and the worse thing it does is the tingling in you hands and feet. I hope I have helped you some. Emmy aka mscarmex

Re: Hi, I just read about your

Submitted by Winston on Mon, 2006-07-10 - 16:29
Hi - Yes, I knew it could be a dangerous side effect from Trileptal but my doctor does not think that this is the cause because of how long I have been on it and suspects the Topomax. I did not know that it was listed as a side effect from Topamax though - I had never seen that before in anything that I've read. Whatever it is, I hope it clears up soon......I can barely think of anything else as I am itching and scratching so much.... :-) Thanks!

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