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Mon, 12/12/2005 - 08:28
I am currently taking Carbamazepine (Tegretol) 400mg to be upped every 2 weeks until my seizures stop. Question is - Will I feel like a zombie forever? I know most meds make you feel drowsy and everyone is different but seriously do all meds make you feel like you're on another planet?


Re: Re: Tegretol

Submitted by angels and airwaves on Wed, 2005-12-14 - 14:16
Neuro prescibed them for nocturnal seizures so I have them right before bed so I'm not taking them with food. I've already gained weight on them. I'm having them reviewed when I see my Neuro next month. I hate them!!

Re: Re: Re: Tegretol

Submitted by angelran on Thu, 2005-12-15 - 22:21
I take them for nocternal seizures also. As I said, I have been on them for 13 years. At first it was regular Tegratol...I gaind 30 pounds over 4 years. Then it was Tegretol XR...I gained 20 more pounds over the next two years. After I had my daughter, he doubled my dosage, since then I have gained an additional 30 pounds. That was 5 years ago. Now granted, I would have gained weight anyway with age but no where near that much. I would say be very careful.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Tegretol

Submitted by SLJ on Wed, 2006-08-02 - 14:49
Would all of you who have gained weight and lost energy on Tegretol be willing to go to a doctor and have a complete thyroid test taken? You need to ask to have your TSH, FREE T3, FREE T4, T7, acth and any other test to do with the thyroid such as Hishimoto's Thyroiditis. I would like you to e-mail me your results yet this month if possible & I will tell you how these results can change your life from where you are right now. These blood tests changed my life. It is your blood and your blood does not lie about what is going on inside of you. In fact it tells you things that the general practioner and neurologist does not ordinarily look for, but may be affecting you at this time. My e-mail is [email protected]. I have had epilepsy for 30 years, but due to these blood tests, my last 2 years of life have been been a miracle of change. I no longer live a less than standard life as an overweight non-energetic seizure-ridden individual. I still have seizures, but they are more controlled, I am 40 lbs lighter, I have energy, and I can be out in public many more hours per day. Please, Please, Please e-mail me. I am not looking for $$$. I am only looking to compile information as to whether this same this same improvement will happen for others. If so, I want to make the info more public so we can help a lot of others. SLG

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