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Tired all the time

Tue, 06/27/2006 - 15:38
I had my last seizure June 1st. My neuro raised my topamax to 200mg which I take at bedtime. I also take Lamictal 100 mg twice a day. Since he increased my topamax I feel so drained and tired. I feel like I can't get enough sleep and I don't have the energy to do anything. I have to make myself get up and do my regular everyday chores. I have been reading about other peoples dosages on other meds and they seem alot higher. Is this a common reaction to Lamictal and Topamax? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Mary


I started Topamax 8 weeks ago....

Submitted by Graham on Tue, 2009-05-05 - 13:14
hi there. how you all doin?! i started topamax 8 weeks ago. i'm currently on 75mgs in the morning and 75mgs evening, and i'm on the way up to 150mgs in the morning and 150mgs in the evening. i'm also on 1500mgs of keppra both morning and evening. also i'm on trileptal -600mg in the morning and 900mgs in the evening. the reasoning for starting topamax was because the anxiety i was experiencing on keppra was getting worse. my auras were also getting alot more frequent and i had a a seizure last october. i have had 4 seizures in 4 years, and countless auras. i have a benign brain tumour, so that's what kicked the whole thing off about 4 years ago. i have posted on this forum a couple of times before about auras. i suppose the thing i would like is opinions, or help, or to chat about... how you guys are feeling on topmax? i've read above how you guys are feeling and i know what you are saying. i am getting pins and needles in my feet and fingers. this is not bugging me really bad though. what is bugging me is the tiredness and the general lack of motivation. it has however helped the anxiety that i was getting alot more from the keppra, even though i am still on the keppra. i am going to start comin down from the keppra when i am up to the maximum dosage of 150mgs morning and night of topamax. do you know if the side effect symtoms ware off after you get used to the drug? it seems to be helping me out otherwise. So, generally, any chat would be a great help. Thanks very much.

I am also coming off the

Submitted by bex on Thu, 2007-11-29 - 13:39
I am also coming off the Topomax because of problems with memory, concentration and the main driver hairloss which I am also convinced is the Topomax. I have tried allsorts of things for my hair none have helped. I am gradually coming down from 400mgh of Topomax am currently at 175mg (dropping weekly at 25mg) but have felt really dreadful this week, tearful, emotional, severe headaches, trouble sleeping, sickness and nausea etc. I just wondered how you have been feeling coming off the Topomax? Any feedback much appreciated. Best wishes Bex

Re: Tired all the time

Submitted by WendyBendy on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 16:26
I tried Topamax for a month and I felt the same way. It was horrible. It made me so moody, too. I personally would NEVER take it again. I hope you get your meds leveled out. I'm here for you!

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