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Topamax Dosage Survey!!!

Tue, 06/27/2006 - 17:37
Hello! I'm just curious for anyone who's on this wonderful medication of Topamax what their dosage is and when their neuro has them taken it. Reading some of your posts I already see all various responses. Personally my neuro has me on 150mg of 75 in the morning and 75 at night. (which I know probably seems low to a lot of you)... But I find that I wake up feeling fine in the morning and as soon as I take the meds I'm groggy, tired, and drained all day. I want to call my neuro and ask if I can take more or all at night and less in the morning so I can have a more productive day. For long term use, I would like to be on the lowest dosage possible. I've been seizure free thankfully for almost five months so I know the meds are working, I just wish I could function better so I could return to the working world. Thanks for your responses!!!


I have been on this drug a

Submitted by Ophelia_59b9efe86ba79 on Wed, 2017-09-13 - 22:56
I have been on this drug a long time, probably 10+ years. I don't tolerate high doses in medication and asked for lowest possible for my petit mal epilepsy. Has never controlled my small "spells" as I call them but no medication has since the age of 12. I take 100 mg daily, divided. More so that I won't get a grand mal (had 2 a long time ago). I hate this med and want to go off because it gives me confusion, small memory loss, word finding difficulty, and now recently I am saying words that aren't fitting in the subject! Freaking me out. I feel for all my you like me that had to be on it.

Re: Topamax Dosage Survey!!!

Submitted by themaleys on Tue, 2006-06-27 - 20:13
hello. I take 200mg at night and I feel drained and so tired all the time. I guess it just depends on the person. Good luck. Mary

Re: Topamax Dosage Survey!!!

Submitted by M. Robin on Sat, 2008-02-02 - 09:16

 I've taken Topamax for 7 years and it has been one of the best! I take 300mg. 2x a day. After taking most of the anticonvulsants made and never having complex partials controlled the doctors have figured I have a speedy maetabolism that is finally slowing down as I get older. Lord willing my seizures will too. Always remember there is a pet name for Topamax..."dopamax".

 I've taken Topamax for 7 years and it has been one of the best! I take 300mg. 2x a day. After taking most of the anticonvulsants made and never having complex partials controlled the doctors have figured I have a speedy maetabolism that is finally slowing down as I get older. Lord willing my seizures will too. Always remember there is a pet name for Topamax..."dopamax".

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