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Update - Is this a topamax side effect? Or is it something else?

Thu, 07/06/2006 - 08:18
Hi there I have been taking topamax now since May 20th. I am cuurently on 125mg a day. I was to go up to 200mg increasing the dosage by 25mg per week but I have been having some problems in the past few weeks and I dont know if it's the topamax or if I'm actually ill. For those who have not read my previous forums,I had a pregnancy scare and so I stopped increasing the dosage but I also didn't not feel the best. My neurologist told me to see a GP which I did and the doctor thinks I might have a kidney infection or ovarian cyst. I am waiting on the result of the kidney infection to come through next wednesday. What I really want to know is has anyone had problems with feeling tight in their abdominal area and full of gas as if to burp a lot and cant breathe as well as you would like to because of topamax? I have pains in abdominal area, lower back area, feel very tight all the time as if I cant eat much. If I eat it might not stay down kind of thing. I'm very uncomfortable and the doctor has told me i now have low blood pressure which I never had before, which explains why I was so dizzy now and then especially when I stood up sudenly. Does topamax make you feel squashed that you cant breathe right? Cant sleep well anymore physically? Topamax has been great as far as seizures and auras goes, I have hardly any now. It would be a shame to stop taking it if it is a side effect of all this. Can someone please get back to me on this and enlighten me? I would really appreciate this. Quirky


Re: Quirky- You are definitely

Submitted by quirky on Tue, 2006-07-11 - 08:57
Hi Kristin I have been on topamax now since May 20th and it's now nearly mid July. So about 7 weeks I think? But I should be on a higher dose of topamax by now. I'm still taking 125mg a day just to be safe. I am getting my results tomorrow on whether I have a kidney infection or not. If not, I am getting an ultrasound done to see if I have an ovarian cyst. Yesterday I had to come early from work because I got a bad fever, chills and shakes, felts like I had been in a box of ice cubes, and my back and legs were so sore! I rang the doctor and she told me it could be something I simply picked up from someone else or it could be because I have an infection (if I have one). I am at home today, docotors orders. Seeing the doctor tomorrow again for results and be examined again for up date on how I am doing. I have no idea if topamax is effecting me in any of these ways at all. I am hoping the doctor can tell me soon and treat me soon and I ill know one way or another whether to continue topamax or not. I am thirsty too like yourself. I drink water through out the day while I'm working. I am on tegregol retard and keppra too and I want to stay on 2 types of meds, not 3. So the sooner I get this mess sorted, the better really. I have to stay on 200mg for 2 months before I can come of keppra gradually. thanks for sharing Kristin much apreciated, Quirky

Re: Update - Is this a topamax side effect? Or is it something e

Submitted by quirky on Tue, 2006-07-18 - 06:58
Hi there I would like to just add that I have found out that I dont have a kidney infection. The doctor is arranging an ultrasound for me to see if I have an ovarian cyst instead. She took some blood tests and found that I dond have a stomach bug either which is great. But she did find I have a virus or bacteria of some some sort in upper are of abdominal which expalins the coughing and fever last week. But she reckons that was just a bug I picked up from someone. But to be sure, an ultrasound will show more results at the end of the day if anything is wrong. So I still dont know if topamax is a side effect for all this or not! Ah well! What can I do?

Re: Re: Update - Is this a topamax side effect? Or is it somethi

Submitted by kcox1228 on Wed, 2006-07-19 - 00:26
my doctor switched me to 2 - 100mg pill 2x per day rather than 4 - 25 mg 2x per day and my nausea has gotten better... i think that the smaller lower dosage pills were breaking down too quickly... but who knows... we'll see how it goes from here... i still get some nausea but it is alot better. hope you feel better soon, Kristin

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