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Topic: Medication Issues

Getting much worse on Keppra

08/2006 | 3 Comments

I started Keppra on 5/31. At first, it seemed to be working well (with my carbatrol). My doctor wanted me off the carbatrol. My seizures were...
Train Dispatching on Depakote

08/2006 | 1 Comments

Hi, this is my first post on here. im 29 yrs old and work for a Class 1 railroad as a Train Dispatcher. Iv had 2 Grand mal seizures 2 yrs ago and they...
Another question--vision issues.

08/2006 | 4 Comments

I'm still on the Depakote & Lamictal. I was wondering if any of you have vision problems. I can see fine, but my eyes sort of..hurt, I guess. Like...

08/2006 | 2 Comments

Any one on this drug solely for seizures? It has been add to my regimine for further control. I feel dizzy mostly and cannot hold my balance. I also...

08/2006 | 1 Comments

So, now the doctor wants to try Gabitril on my daughter, we've been through them all just about. Maybe one or two more we haven't tried yet. Does...

08/2006 | 2 Comments

Has anyone gained weight while taking tegretol? Has anyone had continuous seizures while taking tegretol? Has anyone had to increase their dosage of...
New to Dilantin and concerned

08/2006 | 15 Comments

Hi All, I have been on 2500mg Keppra and recently I saw an Epileptologist. With my TLE not under control and bad side effects of Keppra he decided to...
Tegretol Vs Tegretol XR

08/2006 | 0 Comments

I've had epilepsy for roughly 20 years ( I was in grad school when it started). I had several grand mal seizures. I've been on regular tegretol for...
Timonil 300 retard

07/2006 | 2 Comments name is nicole and im from romania.i have tonico-clonic seisures since i was 1 year old..and i went at many doctors who prescribed me...

07/2006 | 16 Comments

Hi all, I am gearing up for my epilepsy surgery next month. My doctor has prescribed an anti-depressant for me to take while I wait for the date to...
Has anyone ever been on Catapres?

07/2006 | 1 Comments

My 8-year old is going to start Catapres in order to make sure she gets enough sleep to see if this helps to control her seizures. Recently, it seems...
Lamictal & Depakote

07/2006 | 3 Comments

My doctor just upped my dosage levels of both Lamictal & Depakote. He told me I'd probably be really tired the first few days of taking it. I cannot...
Are Topamax side effects that bad??

07/2006 | 15 Comments

I'm on 1000mg Epilim/Valproic Acid at the moment, which doesnt seem to be working out too well. So my neuro is putting me on Lamictal/lamotrigine but...
Is Trileptal Working?

07/2006 | 1 Comments

Can anyone give me an estimated time of how long you try with one medication before deciding its not working? My 9 yr old is on Trileptal for his CPS...
Tergretol XR

07/2006 | 2 Comments

Looking for answers on Tegretol XR or anyone that is on it and can give me alittle more information on it. I have the information that comes with the...
Lamictal- dry hair

07/2006 | 0 Comments

Just curious if anyone else had this happen to them after taking Lamictl? I started tking Lamictal a few months ago and my hair is so dry. If the...

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