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26 year old

Mon, 11/06/2017 - 02:19
Hello my name is Nathan from Canada and have had epilepsy since highschool. I have had these arous of seizures since a child. I would start going deaf for couple mins (which I call my mini episodes) I never thought much about it until I had my first grandmal. Recently I was out with my daughter to the store and and this mini episodes coming on I never have a big problem with them I just go deaf and then back to normal. So I walked with my daughter the side of a Park to sit down and then I knew something wasn't right. This is the first time in my life where I was terrified I woke up and couldn't find my daughter. I called a family member close by and some how managed to get the most important words out. And stumbled around with cut in my back of my head from hitting the pavement searching desperately. Luckily a nice lady found her walking and was talking with her must haven't been long because she was telling me that my daughter was saying dad had an ouch. Any ideas on how to still have a meaningful life with you kids and not always live in fear. I was never worried about this happen. But now it won't leave my mind


Nathan,Wow, I'm sorry you had

Submitted by birdman on Sat, 2017-11-11 - 21:45
Nathan,Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through such a scary experience.  Are you on any medications?  Do you see a doctor for this?  They say that around %70 of seizures can be comfortably controlled using drug therapy.  And if they don't work there are new treatments but these will require you to see an epilepsy specialist.  Hopefully this experience will not leave you with a less meaningful life with your child.  Maybe this will help draw the two of you together more.

Hello Nathan, My name is Jose

Submitted by J84326 on Thu, 2017-11-16 - 17:15
Hello Nathan, My name is Jose from Dallas and I have had epilepsy since my childhood. The main cause of what led to turn into epilepsy was Hydrocephalus. My first few days of being born I was already having seizures. As time went on I would have one after the other. That very same month they submitted me for a surgery to put in a VP shunt to reduce the seizures from occurring.therefor my parents decided to move to the U.S in search of specialists to get control of my seizures and sure enough my first visit at children's was in 2004 and that is when my neurologists scheduled some lab work to be done on me and 21 years later I am a young adult in college working towards my Associates of Arts Degree to then transfer to a four year university to become a medical interpreter .

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