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male loss of libido - Keppra

Mon, 02/23/2009 - 20:43
My partner has been having seizures for about 2 years. He is currently taking Keppra twice a day. He is 23 and has a marked decrease in sex. It's hard to gauge what a 'normal' sex drive should be, but we have sex roughly once a month and he masturbates infrequently. This is putting a strain on our relationship. I have done some research and many people report turning to keppra as an alternative when other meds cause sex drive issues, I guess I'm wondering if anyone out there is having the same issue with keppra, if they wouldn't mind giving some details. he had a discussion with his Neurologist and she basically said keppra doesn't cause sexual side effects and that was the end of the conversation. He seems to have had a more regular sex drive before the seizure diagnosis, and if maybe I can go to him with some other guys who are in the same boat who can describe the same symptoms, maybe we can see if there are alternatives. I have read that hormone imbalance is sometimes an issue and that perhaps his testosterone levels are low. Also, if anyone has any advice for the partners of people dealing with sex drive issues, it'd be greatly appreciated . . . I am really commited to this relationship (which is why I am here) but I am really, really struggling and I think it's having an unhealthy effect on our relationship overall. If anyone has anything to add, I really appreciate it. Thanks.


Re: male loss of libido - Keppra

Submitted by rikk on Mon, 2009-02-23 - 23:14
hi,  no doc that i know of will admit to the decrease in libito with keppra.  It dose happen, it happened to me.  it has happened to many.  do a search on the site with the same question.  last i noted there was close to 95 comments on sex issues.  this is what i have found.  there is no proof, so study.  i don't even know if it has worked for anyone else.  that was to exercise.  it increases the overall stimulation, and metabolic rate of the body.  the other to know is that men in general respond to visual and verbal presentations.  that is about as specific as i will get on the forum.  if you require other information use the e-mail in my story.  i don't think that will be necessary.  hope it helps.  rikk

Re: male loss of libido - Keppra

Submitted by jackfoster on Tue, 2009-02-24 - 11:27
Thanks a lot Rikk.

Re: male loss of libido - Keppra

Submitted by 3Hours2Live on Tue, 2009-02-24 - 01:31
/discussion/981779 jackfo male loss of libido - Keppra at Mon, 02/23/2009-5:34pm|8views|2comments February 23, 2009 Monday 10:31 PM PST USA The discussion on this website at about sexual side effects has about 80 comments now, mainly about the side-effects of anti-epiliptic medications on performance and libido. Both epilepsy and the medications for epilepsy frequently lower libido and genital arousal, especially with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) that lasts through adolescence, and most anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) are reported as having such undesirable side-effects frequently, including Keppra, especially for males. About the only time AEDs help in this aspect is when the effects of TLE is even worse than the drugs in causing low libido. It is difficult for minor partial seizures of TLE to be first diagnosed until it progresses into more severe forms of partial and partial complex seizures (with my lifetime TLE, not until severe complex seizures and secondary tonic-clonic seizures in my 30's), and this problem frequently prevents timely treatment for minor TLE through adolescence, resulting in lifelong low libido. In a few cases where brain surgery is tried to control long-term TLE, the results inverse problems with low libido into excess libido, esp. for female patients with long-term TLE. While my lifelong TLE gave me near zero libido, another physical problem related to neurological scelorsis involving a major complex nevus syndrome resulted in excess androgens exaggerating genital arousal, and the use of AEDs muddles everything up even more, including Keppra. While part of my life was an epileptic nightmare version of MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO, I still don't understand why men are accused of being obsessed with nothing but sex, while my being subject to all other strong emotional attachments has been criticized even more with my having epilepsy, so, many dimensions of a paradox must be involved. I hope this helps.

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