Community Forum Archive

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Really need some men - research!!!!

Fri, 11/02/2007 - 08:41
Further to my request for volunteers, I've had a lot of replies form women and only a few from men. This research is very interested in gender differences and is mostly bias towards men needing more help and support than they appear to be given. However, if I don't have enough responses from this initial pilot, we will have difficulties in establishing if the final UK survey will work. This is totally confidential, there is no information which can identify yourself. Although I will have your e-mail address, other than an initial 'thankyou' for receipt of your completed questionnaire, I will save your attachment in a file in my PhD folder and then delete your original e-mail and attachment, therefore I will not have any idea which questionnaire belongs to a particular e-mail. I would have no reason for that anyway. Please, please, please help, Helen

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