Community Forum Archive

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Refractory Epilepsy and Surgery

Mon, 11/21/2016 - 12:03
Hi, my name is Tyler and I was diagnosed with temporal lobe complex partial Epilepsy over 2 years ago and have been having them for longer. I have been on multiple medicines from: Ethosuximide, Topiramate, Tegratol XR, Depakote, and Vimpat. I am currently on Dilantin, Zonisamide, and Klonopin for my seizures. We have failed to have see any improvement and my seizures have actually lengthened and worsened in intensity with one recently lasting 30 minutes and another lasting an hour. According to my doctor they are now having hallucinogenic symptoms sometimes where i'm not seeing people, etc. for example: I texted my fiance who was sitting right beside me asking where she was for instance. I am curious as to how likely it is at this point to find a medicine to treat my seizures and prevent brain surgery or VNS. I understand everyone is different but I am curious based on general personal experience what the possible outlook is for me and my treatment route. I ask because I'm terrified of surgery and going under anesthesia and really wanna prevent it if possible, although I would go through with it over these seizures.

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