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Fri, 03/09/2007 - 00:12
I'm on Keppra and Carbatrol and breastfeeding my 3 month old. I was just wondering if anyone has anything to share from experiences whether good or bad. I'm trying to decide how long I want to keep this up or if I'm going to stop and use formula for baby's sake. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Re: Breastfeeding

Submitted by Mel26 on Fri, 2007-03-09 - 00:35
Hi Karina, sorry I don't have any advice but I am hoping to breast feed whenever I have my next baby and was also wondering how many other mums have done so while on meds I am taking Tegretol, I have been told different opinions on b/feeding, some say no way, because the baby gets quite a bit of the drug, but others say that only about 10-20% actually gets through your breast milk. I b/fed my daughter for 1 1/2 yrs ( I wasn't on any meds then) and would really like to do the same with our next. When I was admitted to hospital after my 3rd seizure they decided to finally put me on meds and I was told that I would have to give up b/feeding right then and there. I was devastated as I didn't eve have time to prepare myself. But now I have found out I could have possibly kept feeding.

Re: Re: Breastfeeding

Submitted by Karina Steele on Fri, 2007-03-09 - 00:50
My nero didn't say I couldn't some AED's don't go through the milk as much as others. I would recommend to anyone thinking of pregnancy or pregnant right now to register with the AED registry. It's how they are finding out what AED's are safest for moms and baby's so I did this time I hope it helps others down the road. It's also really easy and short. I really recommend it. Don't lose hope you decide for yourself. weigh out the risks. I would look at what drugs your taking.

If you are ever searching

Submitted by solis on Fri, 2007-03-09 - 13:54
If you are ever searching for info on meds, is a great place to find accuarate info. (I am sure the same stats would apply to breastfeeding as to pregnancy.) Re: Pregancy & Keppra (Catagory C) Re Prenancy & Carbatrol (Catagory D) Pregancy catagories explained:

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