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Thu, 01/27/2005 - 16:55

I was wondering if anyone with TLE has experienced depression, and if so, what has helped you?




RE: Depression

Submitted by lemond on Thu, 2005-01-27 - 15:36
Angie,I have TLE and have had since I was five. I've been depressed for most of my life. Some of it very serious. I've found it hard to take some of the anit-depressants because they lower seizure threshhold and I don't have much tolerance for drugs in general. I had an incident on an SSRI a few months ago. The first major seizure in 9 years. The doc said there is really very little risk in the SSRIs, but maybe another one will work. Lots of people with TLE take SSRIs without complication.I have a great husband and work with a good psychiatrist who is understanding of where I am and is always available when I need. The neuro is rarely available and is not very understanding. I also have a good family doc who is easy to talk to. I feel very lucky to have good people in place. This is the first time in my life that I feel like I have that. It was worth the wait.I find that exercise, reading positive things (I like mysteries, not anything violent) and walking the dog help me. TV and movies used to help, but i can't seem to concentrate long enough now to watch a whole show. I also try to find the positive things in my life. I know that's really hard and I've been in places where that doesn't seem like an option. Hobbies help, too. I like woodturning and quilting. I just have to force myself to do it sometimes. Anything to take my mind off the negative thoughts. In some ways I feel very lucky and in others not so. I find seizures shameful, even though I tell myself it's no different than having diabetes or a heart condition. And I wonder why I have to deal wtih all this stuff and get frustrated with it all.Hang in there. I hope something here has helped.Lemond

RE: RE: Depression

Submitted by angie on Thu, 2005-01-27 - 16:55


     I also like to listen to music. Writing seems to always relax me. I know my limits, so I set definite boundaries for myself. I also exercise, which is the biggest help to me, I think. I am not sure about anti-depressants. If I thought they could improve my quality of life, I would be willing to try them. Medication is always kind of scary.

     I was diganosed with TLE at 18 {22 years ago}. I can look back over my life and see that I have always struggled with at least a light form of depression. I never put 2 + 2 together before, but now I realize that the depression must be connected to the TLE. You seem to have a great attitude, which can make all the difference in this life. Thanks for sharing -- it was very helpful to me!




     I also like to listen to music. Writing seems to always relax me. I know my limits, so I set definite boundaries for myself. I also exercise, which is the biggest help to me, I think. I am not sure about anti-depressants. If I thought they could improve my quality of life, I would be willing to try them. Medication is always kind of scary.

     I was diganosed with TLE at 18 {22 years ago}. I can look back over my life and see that I have always struggled with at least a light form of depression. I never put 2 + 2 together before, but now I realize that the depression must be connected to the TLE. You seem to have a great attitude, which can make all the difference in this life. Thanks for sharing -- it was very helpful to me!



I feel the same way

Submitted by Maya on Sat, 2005-11-05 - 09:54
hi there, I feel the same way.I've been depressed for most of my life.It goes and comes back.When I am not drepressed I try to do things but it is very hard to concentrate but I have to force myself to do it as well otherwise I'll be stuck in my room crying.

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