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is it okay to become pregnant while on anti-epeltic meds?

Fri, 10/20/2006 - 19:24
Hi. I am 23 and was diag @ 3yrs ago with tonic clonis seizures. (but i have also had the petit mal seizures too.) i JUST now made 7 months no seizures. I have heard so many different things about how it's not safe to be pregnant if you have seizures...and how you it's not safe to take ANY medication while being pregnant. expecially anti-epileptic meds. so what do you do? what do you say? last year my neuro said since i was in childbearing age, he started me on folic acid just incase we "accidentally" got pregnant. then he told me that trileptal was not safe, and he wanted to try me on lamictal since my seizures weren't controlled with just the trileptal. so he wanted to try and get me off the trileptal and just on lamictal since it's supposedly safer. well once my trileptal dose got too low -- the seizures started up again. i absolutely hate having epilepsy!! so anyways, i am STILL on trileptal and lamictal. i want to have a baby within the next couple of years but am scared i will start with the seizures again and that will affect the pregnancy, or worse the meds will hurt the baby. i hope someone can give me some advice or support. i don't know anyone else who is around my age and has epilepsy. it's not in my family at all. and the dr's say i developed it from a blow to the head i got (and never went to the hospital for) a couple of years ago. please help me!!!!!!!!! thanks, akayn


Re: is it okay to become pregnant while on anti-epeltic meds?

Submitted by Jessi_J88 on Tue, 2010-11-30 - 23:55
I know this was writen 4 years ago but I came acrossed this and its pretty much me. I mean I'm 23 am on trileptal, am getting married and worrying about getting pregnant, i'm the only one in my whole family with seizures. I wish I could know if you had any kids and how that went. I'm really nervous my self but am taking folic acid and trying to relax about the whole idea. Anyways, thanks for posting.

Re: is it okay to become pregnant while on anti-epeltic meds?

Submitted by tonialpha on Wed, 2010-12-01 - 09:38

I would talk to your Neurologist or Epileptologist and take the recommended dose of Folic Acid.  I had a generalized seizure w/ my first at about 6 months pregnancy.  That was the only one that I was in the hospital for.

My other pregnancy I exercised continually and I had no problems.  You need to speak to your Neurologist or Epileptologist.  I had generalized seizures only once or twice a year.  I also had partial complex seizures.  I had 2 brains surgeries.

Having a baby, is great but you need support raising a child.  If you do not drive have a driving support system.  If your seizures get out of control have a plan so you have support and the baby has support.

My teens are healthy. We had family support.

I would talk to your Neurologist or Epileptologist and take the recommended dose of Folic Acid.  I had a generalized seizure w/ my first at about 6 months pregnancy.  That was the only one that I was in the hospital for.

My other pregnancy I exercised continually and I had no problems.  You need to speak to your Neurologist or Epileptologist.  I had generalized seizures only once or twice a year.  I also had partial complex seizures.  I had 2 brains surgeries.

Having a baby, is great but you need support raising a child.  If you do not drive have a driving support system.  If your seizures get out of control have a plan so you have support and the baby has support.

My teens are healthy. We had family support.

Re: is it okay to become pregnant while on anti-epeltic meds?

Submitted by crashandburn on Fri, 2006-10-20 - 20:15
I had one child without even knowing I had seizures. Pregnancy came out fine. I had my first gran mal while pregnant with my 2nd. Baby came out fine. 3rd pregnancy I misscarriaged at 6-8 weeks. 4th pregnacy and 3rd child I had to make a choice because I was on meds. The first three months are critical. I tried to go off meds and lasted as long as I could. I had to go back on meds. I chose my meds as safely as I could. Baby tried to come early and I spent 6 weeks on bedrest. Due to meds? I don't know. Baby is fine. The doctors came to me and specifically said not to have more children because of my medical situation. I thought hard and realized I couldn't have anymore children and chose to have my tubes tied at 24. This is a deeply personal decision and something only you can make. Sometimes I regret my decision when my hormones go raging and I get "baby hungry". Given MY circumstances, I was right to make that choice not to have more children. And me wanting children now is more hormonal driven than really wanting one. But..the mother in me would love more children. I spent a couple of weeks ago crying because I wanted to be pregnant, but know that because of my situation I can't. I would suggest you take your situation into consideration and see if pregnancy is right for you. Consider the risks and the benefits and make an educated choice based on medications and your health. If you get pregnant, work with your doctors so that you can detect problems. I had more exams and more ultrasounds. If you choose to get pregnant remember that there will be people out there that will think you are crazy, selfish and a horrible person for that decision because I know. I think a woman who has epilepsy can have children. I did and I don't regret it. Even if one of my children had problems, that child would be loved so much. Some people consider bringing handicapped children into this world a cruel and inhumane thing to do and will tell you not to have children. I've worked with enough handicapped children to know they are pure, innocent and joy. A lot of work, but a joy indeed. Good luck on your decision.

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