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Lamictal and pregnancy

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 15:49
Hello, I have been taking lamictal for almost 3 years. I just found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant. I know that the FDA just posted a message that this medication can increase the incidence of cleft lip/palate, but more research is also necessary. This really has me worried. Has anyone had a baby while on lamictal? If so, were there any complications with your baby/pregnacy? Thanks


Re: Lamictal and pregnancy

Submitted by greenwire on Thu, 2007-04-05 - 10:42
Hi, First of all congratulations, we are also in kind of same boat. My wife is on lamicatal she takes the medicine twice a day. 150mg AM and 150mg PM. We just came to know that she is almost 4 weeks pregnant now. This is our first baby :) I am trying to find out if the medication is to be altered or what kind of vitamins she needs. Please let me know if you have any information. Congrats again :)

Re: Lamictal and pregnancy

Submitted by maraj on Fri, 2007-04-06 - 11:23
I switched to Lamictal specifically to get pregnant. From what they know now, it has one of the lowest rates of birth defects (only 1 - 2% higher than a "normal" pregnancy). My doctor explained that I would have to see him monthly to get my levels checked and the dosage would be increasing the whole time (due to hormonal changes and weight gain during pregnancy). I also will be seeing a high risk OB that he recommended who deals with a lot of his epilepsy patients. It's hard not to worry, but there are steps you can take to make the pregnancy as safe as possible. I also am on extra Folic Acid and prenatals.

Re: Re: Lamictal and pregnancy

Submitted by shanaoliver on Thu, 2007-04-12 - 12:17
Hello, I'm new this site and was looking for some support. I'm 8 weeks pregnant and on lamictal. I have been 5mg of folic acid too for many years. Are you currently pregnant or have you already had children? So far I feel great, but I'm quite nervous about the health of the baby taking these meds and I don't really want to do the IPS screening becuase that only gives you an idea if you have a risk of having a child with spina bifida and then you have to made the decision to have an amnio do to get confirmed results. This is such a personal thing and there is no right or wrong way. And from what I have heard many people have had no problems being on lamictal?

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