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Wed, 09/27/2006 - 05:15
Has anyone ever experienced headaches when new to Topamax? I can't remember if I have asked that before. Right now I feel like I've lost memory. Or is that an age related issue? At work this morning, I was at my desk when all of a sudden I just had to put my head down. I had that feeling down to the pit of my stomache that something is wrong. I'm taking both Topamax and Carbamezapine, but will be on Topamax soley after I ween off Carbamezapine. Anyway, I hate "that" feeling and we all know what I'm talking about. Later on I wound up having headaches and lord I felt tired. I was lucky not to have a full fledge seizure, but a very light seizure aura.


Re: Question

Submitted by WendyBendy on Wed, 2006-09-27 - 11:50
SeizureGirl, I tool Topamax for 2 months and I had HORRIBLE results with it! I had headaches! My memory is bad anyway, but seemed to be worse then. I was so ill and aggitated all the time my husband almost left me! It was a horrible time for me. I have heard people say it really helped them, though. Do you think maybe your headach was from the "feeling"? I know after I have them I get headaches. Sometimes I will have a headache all day before I have a seizure. They are so hard to figure out. I'm sorry you are having a bad day. I'm here for you. I'm having a pretty bad one, myself. (((HUGS))) to you.

Re: Re: Question

Submitted by seizuregirl on Wed, 2006-09-27 - 18:38
Thanks for the hug Wendy. So sorry to hear your story. I guess meds effect us all in different ways. Now that I'm on Topomax I've been feeling also numbness. The price we pay to become seizure free I guess. Hugs, Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Re: Re: Question

Submitted by seattlecarol on Thu, 2006-09-28 - 17:18
Hey seizuregirl...hang in there. It takes time to get used to the Topomax. I did have some headaches and some pretty severe memory problems the first couple of weeks. Words slipped away as well. Stick it out, it doesn't last. It's worth it to see if Topomax works for you. Give it some time...each day will get better. Give yourself another hug.

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