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Wed, 09/27/2006 - 05:15
Has anyone ever experienced headaches when new to Topamax? I can't remember if I have asked that before. Right now I feel like I've lost memory. Or is that an age related issue? At work this morning, I was at my desk when all of a sudden I just had to put my head down. I had that feeling down to the pit of my stomache that something is wrong. I'm taking both Topamax and Carbamezapine, but will be on Topamax soley after I ween off Carbamezapine. Anyway, I hate "that" feeling and we all know what I'm talking about. Later on I wound up having headaches and lord I felt tired. I was lucky not to have a full fledge seizure, but a very light seizure aura.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Question

Submitted by Smallfry9 on Thu, 2006-09-28 - 20:17
I was previously on Topomax as well, but as a treatment for severe headaches associated with increased levels of Cerebral Spinal Fluid around my brain. It actually made my headaches worse for a while. After about 3-4 weeks the headaches started to subside. The one symptom that really confused me was the way it made soda taste! When I took a drink of soda all I would taste at first was flat soda, and then that would subside and all I would taste was the carbonation. It was like drinking flat soda than chasing that with a drink of soda minus the syrup. Weird!!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question

Submitted by seizuregirl on Fri, 2006-09-29 - 04:34
You know, since being on Topomax strange things started to happen to me. Sometimes when I drink something...I get that metal type of taste in my mouth. I've also experienced this feeling of nausia as if I'm on a boat getting sea sick. That doesn't usually happen to me. Also, I never had a problem looking down when I do my art work, but's starting to effect me so I take breaks. And that headache thing....oh lord...I hope it goes away soon. Having a headache and feeling sick to my stomach...what a combination, huh? By the way, today, everything went wrong. My co-worker was asking me what's wrong with me today. I have no idea. That memory thing went against me today. First, I wasn't doing what I'm supposed to be doing..I got confused in what I was doing and then I forgot to send home a workbook to my students before they left. I owe my boss $4 (200 pesos) as penalty for not sending home the students workbooks again. You know, these things didn't start happening until I started taking Topamax. I think it's the drug. How can I explain that to my boss and co-worker? I don't think they'd find that valid. Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Question

Submitted by luster3step on Fri, 2006-09-29 - 12:00
Stephanie Luster My daughter is on topomax. She experiences headaches around he rpaeriod even while on med. I like topomax for her because since she's been on it, combined with carbatrol and we add klonopin around her period, she only experiences partials and a dejavu aura during the month. It seems that none of the meds work when her period comes on though, the grandmals come like running water. They are trying to determine if she ios eligible for surgery as we speak. She misses alot of school. She has Catamenial Epilepsy.

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