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Question for those w/ catamenial epilepsy

Wed, 10/11/2006 - 00:20
Does your seizure activity increase the week before... only a few days...or like just the day of your menses? also, do you have increased activity at ovulation as well?


Re: Question for those w/ catamenial epilepsy

Submitted by angel_lts on Wed, 2006-10-11 - 07:55
Yes I do. It is usually before, during and a few days after too. The day before my mense come, I start to clean the house like crazy. And that also triggers the menstrual cycle to come on. I have been taking a high dose of progesterone cream to help with all the side effects of perimenapause and seizures. It is my first month with the high dose of it. I was taking it for two years on a low dose. take care Lisa

Re: Re: Question for those w/ catamenial epilepsy

Submitted by rhondadbe on Thu, 2007-10-18 - 20:19
I went through 4 years of Catamenials. They started out very irregular, then they became like clockwork, every month, 1-2 days before my cycle. Once I had it in the middle of my cycle...weird for me. My docs tried multiple things to take care of them with me, but mine were stubborn. July 5, 2005 after all the needed testing, I had brain surgery done and I never regretted it.

Re: Question for those w/ catamenial epilepsy

Submitted by WendyBendy on Wed, 2006-10-11 - 17:37
YES!! I have been havin a horrible time with this lately. I don't know why it has started the last 6 months or so. It really makes no sense to me. All I know is I hate it! I PMS for about 2 weeks before, so I can , but do not always have have, have seizures during this time before my "time". """SIGHS""" If men only knew the half of what we go through, and then this on top of it! My docs have not reccomended this cream or even mentioned it. I am to the point of getting disgusted. I , as we all try to do, and just holding on. Good luck to you!

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