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Seizures and Depro Provera

Wed, 01/17/2007 - 18:21
I have been having seizures since I was 18 years old. I have been on 8-9 medicines (from what I can remember) and none have stopped my seizures. My neurologist recently told me that there was as study done on the effects of seizures and depro provera. She said it may help reduce or eliminate my seizures along with my other medications. Has anyone tried depro provera for this reason? And if so, what did you think of it?


Re: Seizures and Depro Provera

Submitted by angel_lts on Wed, 2007-01-17 - 22:22
Actually my doctor offered me Prometrium(which depro provera is just the brand name for it) for my seizures. I was already on a natural progesterone cream and I rather be on the cream than the drug. In my opinion, depro provera being a drug will cause more side effects than the cream itself. I am on a high dose of the cream right now. It is hard to tell if it has made a difference. But I also have been changing meds since I started the high dose of the cream. But I have been on it for about two in half years. I was using the cream for hormonal purposes but a very low dose. hope it works Take care Lisa

Re: Seizures and Depro Provera

Submitted by angel_lts on Thu, 2007-01-18 - 11:11
Also make sure you check into books on John Lee for hormonal info. Take care Lisa

Re: Seizures and Depro Provera

Submitted by rosegirl on Mon, 2007-01-22 - 01:42
Ok we are talking about the birth control Depro Provera, right? I haven't heard about any studies that have been done but i thought i heard that birth control can help reduce seizures. I'm just wondering what other meds are you taking? Because i would like to go on birth control but with my meds the doc says i can't

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