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Topamax & Birth Control (Yasmin & LoEstrin)

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 22:28
Has anyone experienced unusual side effects while taking these brands or other brands of birth control in conjunction with their AED's? Side effects such as increased headaches, stomach problems, etc... I have been looking for information and have been in contact with my gyno & neuro, but it is like pulling teeth to get any information from them. I have just about decided to quit taking the pill all together! When you are married and it really doesn't matter whether or not you have kids anyway, why take them?? :)


Re: Topamax & Birth Control (Yasmin & LoEstrin)

Submitted by balletkat on Fri, 2007-03-09 - 10:46
I'm sorry to hear that your drs are not helping you with any answers. I do not know how these bcp's work with topamax, but I am on zonegran which is similar. My gyn doesn't know anything about the seizure meds, but my neuro did tell me that I should be on a bcp that has 50mcg of EE. Both Loestrin and Yasmin have 30. The Loestrin might have 20, it depends on what formula you take. If you have been having break though bleeding, that can show that you need a higher level of hormone. The bcp could also cause stomach problems and headaches. I was on a few different pills before I found one that worked well and didn't casue many problems. Mary

Re: Re: Topamax & Birth Control (Yasmin & LoEstrin)

Submitted by bex on Tue, 2007-03-20 - 13:40
I take Topamax and Yasmin and the Neuro or the Doctor hasn't said this isn't OK. I know that isnt the most helpful statement but all I can say for now I'm afraid!

Re: Re: Re: Topamax & Birth Control (Yasmin & LoEstrin)

Submitted by daydreamer410 on Tue, 2007-03-20 - 15:51
I felt as if the birth control was not working to control cramps or anything during the time that I was on Topamax. I have recently changed to Keppra but my OBGYN basically told me that the AEDs do lessen the effectiveness of the drug and that I needed to use a condom to prevent pregnancy. Since the birth control wasn't seeming to do anything helpful, I decided to stop it all together and see how that goes. A few years ago I had problems to PCOS so if that returns they will have to put me back on the pill. Good luck to you. I'm kind of new to this so it is scary, all of the possibilities. Kelly

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