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Trileptal during pregnancy?

Mon, 08/21/2006 - 11:54
I am about four months pregnant with my first child. Ever since my pregnancy started, I have been having many, many more seizures (mostly in the morning). My doctor keeps increasing my dose of Trileptal. I'm up to 3000 mg a day, but I am still getting them. I'm worried about the effect on the baby. Has anyone been on Trileptal during their pregnancy and was the baby okay? Thanks for any advice I can get.


Re: Trileptal during pregnancy?

Submitted by txrhb1 on Mon, 2006-08-21 - 16:13
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that my daughter, Jessie, has a beautiful, 5 1/2 month old baby girl. Jessie was on Trileptal and Topamax before, during and now after her pregnancy. She continued to have seizures, and her meds were increased a few times while she was pregnant. Baby Sarah had absolutely no problems due to either the meds or the seizures. I know this must be a very scary time for you. I know it was for Jessie and for us. She lives with us, and we panicked every time she had a seizure. She had several ultra-sound tests and frequent blood level tests to make sure the seizure meds were at an optimal level. The results of the testing always made us all feel better. I hope you are getting good pre-natal care and neuro care. If you are uncomfortable with your doctor, you might want to see if you can see an epileptologist (neuro who specializes in epilepsy). I wish you the very best, and my prayers will be with you. ((( hugs ))), Barbie *************************************** "We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can fly only by embracing each other." -lucian de crescenzo

Re: Trileptal during pregnancy?

Submitted by angel_lts on Mon, 2006-08-21 - 20:12 Make sure the cause of more seizures is not from the trileptal causing low sodium. Have the low sodium checked when a seizure occurs. If it is the cause drink gatorade for more sodium. Try not to worry so much. take care of yourself Lisa

Re: Trileptal during pregnancy?

Submitted by Melita247 on Thu, 2006-12-28 - 13:44
Melita E.Pitts I was on Mysoline when I found out I was pregnant.They took me off of it when they found out,and I was put on Dilantan. I was in and out of the hospital the whole pregnancy.The reason I was in and out of the hospital is because I was having seizures. I have tonic-clonic seizures,so every time I had one,I had to go to the hospital. I had my son(8ibs.1oz.),tied my tubes(I had other health problems besides seizures),and for 2 years they played around with my medicines.After a set of 45 status-epileptic seizures,they put me back on the Mysoline. I am on the generic form now(Primodone),and have been seizure-free for 17 years.

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