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Update on my use with Topamax

Mon, 10/02/2006 - 05:10
Hi. As I've posted before that I'm on the new drug Topamax after being on Carbamezapine for some time. Since being on Topamax I've undergone the headaches, seasick feeling, seeing something that's not there, depression here and there (but, then again...I've felt the depression on Carbamezapine also), and I've also felt numbness. Then, today in the classroom...I was having a problem with my foot. It's weird. Has anyone ever experienced their foot curling on them? I keep trying to straighten it by stamping my foot down. What is that? Yesterday afternoon, I had a seizure in front of the computer. I didn't realize I had a seizure until little things started to come back to me. I was confused. I awoke on a bed and I wondered "what happened" "did I have a seizure" "Thought I was on a computer doing something". I wasn't alone so I was lucky that someone was there to save me from falling. I was told yesterday that I shouldn't stay on the computer too long after I got back to reality 'coz computers causes one to have seizures too. But, I need the net to research for projects for my students. Aye.... sometimes it sucks being a seizure patient....don't u think, all?


Re: Update on my use with Topamax

Submitted by rosegirl on Sun, 2006-10-08 - 02:36
I was told that I shouldn't be on the computer too long as well but when you take online courses for school you kinda have no choice. I've never had the feeling in my foot but I've lost the ability to move my arm after a seizure. Freaked me out as well as my mom. I think I've had seizures (petite mal) when I was just standing in the kitchen. I'd be looking for something to eat, hanging on to the cabinet handles and I'd feel myself swinging back and forth. It's happened more than once so naturally I wonder if it was a seizure or if it was the meds that I was on.

Re: Re: Update on my use with Topamax

Submitted by seizuregirl on Tue, 2006-10-10 - 06:58
Rosegirl, when I was in college, I was getting seizures left and right 'coz I was on the computer just about daily. I understand your point of view...what can you do? I had no choice either. I was taking computer classes. So, glad to finally be out of college and away from all that stress :-) to handle the new stress called my students? sigh sigh sigh.....Guess laughing sometimes wouldn't be so bad to let go of the stress, no? I like my students...they just drive me nuts sometimes. Seizuregirl "Life is what you make of it"

Re: Re: Update on my use with Topamax

Submitted by SHYGIRL on Tue, 2006-10-10 - 23:44
seizuregirl the thing you mentioned about your foot curling is that a side effect from topamax or was that a seizure cause i am also on topamax and i am having the same thing happening to me but im not sure if its a side effect from topamax or a seizure. i have been having the type of seizure where i feel pins and needles then all of a sudden i cant move my foot at all for 5-10 minutes. again not sure if its the meds or a seizure. jenn

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