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Update on my use with Topamax

Mon, 10/02/2006 - 05:10
Hi. As I've posted before that I'm on the new drug Topamax after being on Carbamezapine for some time. Since being on Topamax I've undergone the headaches, seasick feeling, seeing something that's not there, depression here and there (but, then again...I've felt the depression on Carbamezapine also), and I've also felt numbness. Then, today in the classroom...I was having a problem with my foot. It's weird. Has anyone ever experienced their foot curling on them? I keep trying to straighten it by stamping my foot down. What is that? Yesterday afternoon, I had a seizure in front of the computer. I didn't realize I had a seizure until little things started to come back to me. I was confused. I awoke on a bed and I wondered "what happened" "did I have a seizure" "Thought I was on a computer doing something". I wasn't alone so I was lucky that someone was there to save me from falling. I was told yesterday that I shouldn't stay on the computer too long after I got back to reality 'coz computers causes one to have seizures too. But, I need the net to research for projects for my students. Aye.... sometimes it sucks being a seizure patient....don't u think, all?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Update on my use with Topamax

Submitted by GuidonGirl on Fri, 2007-03-09 - 09:22
I just started using Topamax a week ago. Well...I found out that I have epilepsy 6 weeks ago. A total shock! The doctor started me on Lamital and after a week of struggling with terrible side effects I broke out in the worst rash of my life my Neuro. gave me Topamax. The pins and needles are the least of my worries. Did you ever get numbness in your lips? The last two days my taste buds have was the first day my favorite thing tasted bad...COFFEE!!!! I am bummed! At least no more seizures so far I guess.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Update on my use with Topamax

Submitted by spaznurse on Sat, 2007-05-26 - 09:08
Yeah topamax has some wierd side effects but the good news is, if you stick it out most of them may go away in time. Day 3 of the 'ramp up' on dose is the worst for many folks and by day 5 things settle down again for many folks. it was like clockwork for me and for many who i talked to in the pilepsy community who take this drug for temporal lobe epilepsy. it is one of the very best drugs ou there for temporal lobe problems and i have not had a major seizure since I'v started it, so I cannot complain. I had some transient foot tongue lip numbness. And transient food and coffee problems. Transient is the word to remember. :) Hang in! Spaznurse

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