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Update - shorter mense cycles - is this the medication? Please help!

Mon, 01/08/2007 - 08:51
Hi there, Happy 2007 everyone! I was wondering if any of you women out there can help me please? Something has been troubling me lately. I'm concerned about my menstrual cycle basically. I used to be regular every month but the last few months (since Aug last year) my cycle has been starting a few days earlier than expected and I dont know why? I used to get it every roughly 30 days but now it has been more like 24/25 days. And last month it was expremely light for the first 3 days. I thought it was going to stop. But then it suddenly became heavy for a day and then normal for the next few days. It lasted 8 days in total when it normal lasts 5 days for me. I take tegeretol retard which I have been on since I was 14, Keppra which I have for the last few years now but i am in the middle of weaning myself off it and I am topamax which I have been on since May last year. I am 30 years old and I know early menopause can happen with women who have epilepsy too. I haven't had any children yet but I do want to so I hope it's not too late. I'm sure I'm worrying about nothing but I just want to be sure. Can anyone help me out here? I would appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance, Quirky


Re: shorter mense cycles - is this the medication? Please help!

Submitted by balletkat on Mon, 2007-01-08 - 10:16
I have had problems with my cycle too and I think that it has been related to the Zonegran that I take. Every dr tells me that it is not listed for Zonegran to mess up the cycle, but doing some research I found that it can. Topamax and Zonegran work in a similar way in the brain so I wouldn't be surprised if Topamax did a little something to the cycle too. Check with your drs, neuro and gyn to find out. Also keep track, this could have just been a fluke thing last month. Mary

Re: Re: shorter mense cycles - is this the medication? Please he

Submitted by quirky on Tue, 2007-01-09 - 08:09
Hi Mary Thanks for your feed back. I'm keeping a diary just in case. I really dont know if it's the topamax or not because I've been on it since May and didn't effect me like this straight away. So I'm waiting to see what happens this month and keep track again. Thanks for the advice, Quirky

Re: shorter mense cycles - is this the medication? Please help!

Submitted by pixiedust on Thu, 2007-01-11 - 12:33
you know something, im having the same thing, im taking Dilantin and Lamictal... and my cycles been different from usual. I used to get it every 30-35 days, and now its like 20-30. although im pretty sure its the medicine, check up with your doctor and mention it

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