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anyone reduce caffine to see if it decreases petit mals?

Fri, 10/28/2005 - 23:41
I was diagnosed with apilepsy at age 16 but I knew I had it before then since I was "blanking out" for like 4 years before that time. I am 27 now and I have petit mals daily if under stress or a few times a week otherwise. I realized on my own that if I do not drink caffeine, that my petit mal seziures are nonexistent. I take Lamictal and Neurontin and have taken a combo of two meds for 10 years. I have not had a grand mal in 6 years. Anyway, has anyone reduced their caffine and noticed a decrease/end to petit mals?


Re: Caffeine does lower the

Submitted by Schuey on Fri, 2007-10-19 - 00:17
Hey there: I can tell ya that I've been tracking my own seizures in the seizure tracking software I created and guess what? Caffeine seems to be one of my biggest triggers. Problem is, I love coffee and sort of need it to counteract the drowsiness my meds leave me with. Kind of a Catch-22. Dontcha think? -Schuey

Re: Re: Caffeine does lower the

Submitted by jderry on Fri, 2007-10-19 - 11:27
There is a lot of caffine in a lot of things.Both food and drink.I feel better when I avoid it.

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