Community Forum Archive

The Epilepsy Community Forums are closed, and the information is archived. The content in this section may not be current or apply to all situations. In addition, forum questions and responses include information and content that has been generated by epilepsy community members. This content is not moderated. The information on these pages should not be substituted for medical advice from a healthcare provider. Experiences with epilepsy can vary greatly on an individual basis. Please contact your doctor or medical team if you have any questions about your situation. For more information, learn about epilepsy or visit our resources section.

Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing

Nocturnal seizures

01/2020 | 3 Comments

Hey guys! I am new to the site and am hoping that someone might be able to give me some insight. I had meningitis in 2014 (viral) that went...
KPTN Mutation - any others?

12/2019 | 1 Comments

My 12-year-old daughter has a rare genetic disorder resulting from a mutation on her KPTN gene that appears to be the cause of her epilepsy. Are there...
Diagnosing temporal lobe epilepsy

12/2019 | 4 Comments

Hi, I am currently waiting for my neurology appointment after what is now 16 episodes in just over a month. Symptoms are extreme dejavu (feeling like...
Low Frequency photosensitivity

12/2019 | 2 Comments

Hi there, I was wondering if anyone can help me at all. My daughter (7) was diagnosed with Jeavons Syndrome 4 weeks ago however when we recieved the...

12/2019 | 1 Comments

Hi So I've been diagnosed in 2007 during school with epilepsy. For more than 2 years I have not had a seizure and for 2 years approx I have not been...
Help needed

12/2019 | 1 Comments

Hi my daughter is about to turn 3 years old. Since she was born we noticed her do shudder movement. At 6 months old she stopped breathing in her sleep...
Frequent Epilepsy-like symptoms

11/2019 | 4 Comments

Hey all, this is my first post here although I have been looking through this forum anonymously for a while now, trying to see if I could find any...
Fear attacks or seizures

11/2019 | 5 Comments

Hello! I'm 33 years old. Since I was 4-5 years old almost every day I have been experiencing fear attacks. They take for 2-3 minutes. Sometimes they...
Hours-long non epileptic seizures

10/2019 | 2 Comments

Hi, I am 51 and had my first violent seizure four months ago and another one month ago. A year ago I took Wellbutrin for a month and quit due to the...
Could I have been misdiagnosed?

10/2019 | 3 Comments

I was wondering if anybody could help me, 4 years ago when I was 12 we went on a camping trip and the morning after we got there we got up extremely...
Passing the Test

09/2019 | 1 Comments

I’m now on day 7 of 7 for my VEEG, with tomorrow morning scheduled for an MRI and discharge. After 19 years of intractable epilepsy that started under...

09/2019 | 0 Comments

I am a newbie. After 2 seizures 10 years apart (no meds) and now 1 more which precipitated 3 seizures my MRI showed a slight FLAIR in T1 right...
Inpatient vs Outpatient Hospital Care

09/2019 | 2 Comments

Good Afternoon. I was recently admitted to the hospital (outpatient) via the ER following a tonic clonic seizure in my backyard. The Hospitalist on...
EEG Results

09/2019 | 2 Comments

I have been diagnosed with Temporal lobe epilepsy since 2008. I have partial seizures that are well controlled by meds, however I have approximately 6...
epilepsy or not

08/2019 | 1 Comments

good afternoon, I needed your help. First of all I want to say that I used google translator to help me in this. I had 2 sensations like deja vus...

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