Community Forum Archive

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Topic: Diagnostic Dilemmas and Testing


06/2018 | 0 Comments

I am 22 years old, a month ago I was a perfectly healthy individual. But now I’m having symptoms such as seizures, passing out and a high resting...
Physiological Non-Epileptic Seizures

06/2018 | 1 Comments

I have read that physiological non-epileptic seizures can be triggered by lack of oxygen to the brain, migraine, heart arrhythmia and brain wave...
Mysterious first Tonic/clonic

06/2018 | 2 Comments

Hello all! Happy to be here and grateful to share my complicated experience thus far. a baffling tonic clonic story! Background: many years of...
Help please :(

06/2018 | 1 Comments

Hi guys, It's my first time on here but I could really use some advice, as I feel like I'm losing my mind. A few years ago I started having 'episodes'...
For Anyone That Still Have No Answers

06/2018 | 0 Comments

Just over two weeks ago my healthy 19 year old niece in-law with no history of siezures nor family history suffered one during her sleep. My nephew...
Anyone have any ideas?

05/2018 | 1 Comments

Before I get into this, I already know what i'm about to explain is extraordinarily odd and weird, but it is what it is. About a year and a half ago...
EEG Testing and Medication Selection

05/2018 | 2 Comments

There seems to be several factors that go into selecting the correct epilepsy medication. Does anyone know how important an EEG is in terms of helping...
Second guessing everything

04/2018 | 2 Comments

I'm really hoping someone can help me. I have been having weird symptoms for years now (tremors, memory loss, blind spots), and recently started...
Unsure diagnosis

04/2018 | 1 Comments

Hey everyone. I have a 30 year old brother who has had seizures since he was 7, coupled with development delays. He can't write much and his speech is...
Please help me with my EEG report

04/2018 | 0 Comments

I just got my first EEG results and my neuro is away for a couple of weeks so I am looking for guidance in interpreting it in the mean time. I have a...
Video EEG

04/2018 | 4 Comments

Hello everyone, Has anyone here had more than one Video EEG? My first Video EEG was for 3 days and did not capture any abnormal activity-this Video...
Temporal-lobe Epilepsy?

04/2018 | 1 Comments

Hi i wanna start out and say ive never had a seizure and never had a reason to. I am 18 and diagnosed with GAD and have a Panic DIsorder, but i wanna...
Just wondering what these results mean?

04/2018 | 1 Comments

Hello! :) I was diagnosed with epilepsy last year, having had a few nocturnal seizures, and had an EEG done which was described as follows: "The...
Confused on what is wrong

04/2018 | 1 Comments

Hello, I was hoping to get some kind of advice about a diagnosis my fiancee has received. About 3 years ago my fiancee was diagnosed on the first...
Do I have Temporal Lobe Epilepsy?

03/2018 | 1 Comments

For the past few years I have been experiencing very strange episodes (mostly when I am stressed) that are difficult to describe . Feelings of Deja vu...

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